I turn around since I know that voice too well and know who the owner of the voice is. Nini, who is staring at me apologizing and constantly throwing glances at the main door as if she were waiting for something or someone, looks at the priest who stares at her confused.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I love the fact my bestie is getting married. I just want to keep a little speech."

"In front of everyone?" The priest asks and Nini smiles.

"I am a drama major. That's what I do."

I can't stop a chuckle and Nini's face lights up for making me smile. "Dear Soph, I've met you a year ago and I can already tell you have become one of the most important people in my life. I can't say how grateful I am to be able to call you my bestie. You are the one who always makes me smile and has my back. I don't know what my life would look like without you in it, and I don't ever want to find out."

Is it possible that the thank-you speech my bestie gave me, better is as the vow the supposed "love of my life" gave me?

"Victor," my bestie continues, and I can see my fiancée flinch at the fact Nini called him by his first name and not Your Grace. Well, he needs to get used to it. We're getting married and I am for sure not stopping Nini from visiting us, just because he doesn't feel like it. "I don't really know you, but I can only ask you to take care of my bestie. She's..."

But Nini isn't able to finish her phrase as the church doors slam open and a person comes running inside. As I turn around to see who caused the interruption, my chest tightens and my heart sets thousands of butterflies free. It's Alec. My Alec.

Nini comes closer to my ear and whispers: "Perfect timing." I now understood what she was doing with that speech. Buying time. For Alec to get here. I am not sure if I should hug her and thank her or kill her later.

"Stop the wedding", Alec says out of breath, like if he would have just run thousand miles or something. I guess he has, since he's tux is a little messy and there is sweat rolling down his forehead. As if he would know, he quickly wipes it out and fixes his shirt, making him look perfect.

That's because he is perfect.

Victor sighs annoyed seeing Alec and gives me a look. I look innocent at him, to show him I had no idea about Alec's intentions. I thought Alec forgot me. Moved on. Yet from the look in his eyes right now. The way he's burning inside to hug me and have me close, I understand he didn't forget me. Not even close. He's been feeling like me all along. Partly broken inside, only whole when we're together.

"Guards, get him out of here." Victor says and a few bodyguards walk towards Alec. Darrel tries to stop them by coming next to him to protect him. I also stop them.

"Guards, stop." I shout and they immediately obey. Victor however doesn't back up so soon.

"I am your duke. You need to do what I say."

The guards are confused and have no idea what's happening, so they listen to their order and move closer to Alec again. I get annoyed. No one is touching him.

"Guards, no. I am your princess. And I say stop."

The moment I reminded them of my status, the guards bow in front of me and quickly get lost from Alec. Alec gives me a That's my girl look. Butterflies take control of me again and I break eye contact with him, since looking at him any longer might make me do something I might regret. Like blowing off my own wedding.

Alec moves closer to where I am and stops in front of where Victor was holding my waist protective.

"I am so sorry", Alec begins saying and I forgot the effect his voice had on me. The effect was brought in my reminder in the course of a few seconds. "I am sorry. The day I left you is the day I regret most in my entire life. I got scared. I got scared I might lose you. Scared I might put you in danger. But I was wrong. Because I lost you. I lost you and I made a mistake. These last three months without you, Foxy, they have been a nightmare. They have been worse than a nightmare. I can't say I've been living. The moment you left my heart stopped beating. Because my heart only beats for you. My entire heart is yours, Foxy. Please, take it. Take it and call it yours."

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