Chapter 35

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It's 2 am and it's only been a few minutes since we've went to sleep. Let's just say, Foxy and I have been busy until now. Amazingly busy.

The phone rings and I quickly wake up, not knowing who the hell would call at this hour. I notice Foxy flinching next to me as she hears it, so I try to take it and go in another room. She is tired and I want her to get a good night sleep. However, as I make my attempt to leave the bed, she comes closer to me and puts her arm on my chest. She's holding me so tight, I can't move. I don't want to move. Foxy is all I want.

I press ignore on the call and brush her hair with my fingers. She's gorgeous. When I first saw her, I knew she was beautiful from the way she looks. Her golden hair, flawless skin, deep blue eyes. Beautiful. Now, as I got to know her better, I find her even more beautiful. Her soul is. Her kindness. Her feistiness. The way she knows exactly what to say to make one feel better. Gorgeous.

Although I pressed ignore, the phone rings again and Foxy does a frown. She heard it. Which means, she might wake up. And she was really sore. She needs to sleep.

I swear once and take the phone. As I see the name on the screen, I swear again. It's my brother. Callum Dunn. It's not like I hate my brother. He's the only one in my family I actually stand. But I dislike him.

"Callum", I greet him whispering, trying not to wake my girlfriend up. Callum doesn't get the hint and starts screaming.

"Alec! You pathetic loser! How are you?" he asks me with his voice happy. I by now got used to his way of addressing people and didn't see it as an offense anymore.

"Fine. It's 2 am. What do you want, Callum?" I ask him, trying to cut him short since Foxy was already starting to move.

"That's how you greet me? You little piece of shit." he screams. This time, Foxy actually wakes up and looks up to see my face. Her eyes are almost closed and she's yawning. I started hating Callum for waking her up.

"Who is it?" she asks me whispering, giving me a kiss on my chest. I tense. And want to kiss her back.

However, my brother already heard her voice and screams again: "You're with a female companion?! Don't tell me you're doing it right now and you picked up."

I swear at him. Foxy blushes.

"I'm not. And yes, I am with a female companion. My girlfriend. Who you woke up." I hiss through my teeth. Foxy looks at me thankfully and starts planting kisses from my neck down to my belly. I shiver.

"I didn't thought you actually care if people wake up or not." he adds. Foxy tenses. I respond:

"I don't. I don't give the slightest shit. I only care about her."

She smiles at me shyly and rests her head on my chest again. I breathe heavier.

"Anyway, Rachel asked me to talk to you. It's her birthday next weekend. She wants you to come." Callum says. I swallow hard. I don't know why I ever thought he called because he wanted to. Callum never does anything our mother, Rachel, doesn't want. Rachel didn't want him to love me, so he doesn't.

"I'm not coming. I've already told her that." I reply. It's true. I have. Two days ago when she called and invited me. I turned her down.

"Stuff changed, Alec. She said that if you don't come, she cuts you off."

I swallow hard at what he said. I hate to admit it, but I am pretty bound to my parents 'money. That's until I get my hands on the company. From then on, I can do whatever I want, never see them again and have the money I need to pleasure my taste for expensive shit.

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