There was before you, and it was dark.

But there was with you and it was light.

For a brief second, she was taken aback with an odd feeling, almost like a Dejá Vu, but not quite. It was like remembering something very important that she had long forgotten about, and it filled her with joy. Jasper eyed her intrigued. Her feelings were all over the place, but overall, she felt full. Filled with joy and anticipation and eagerness to live.

"I just had the weirdest sense of Dejá Vu." She laughed softly. Jasper's fingers tightened around her hand, their eyes meeting again. Jasper had felt it too, only he saw the images clear in his mind, the day he had taken Margaret dancing, the day he asked her to marry him, and, the day he was sent to war. The last time he would see his beloved, in a very long time.

"Shall we?" Jasper faked an elegant accent and mimicked a serious face. Margaret laughed truthfully from deep within her. Something in Jasper's way of acting, in the way he would talk and comfort her, it was as if she had known him all her life. Loved him all her life.

"Hmm, I hadn't thought of you as a gentleman." She hummed eyeing him as they exited the class.

"No? What then?" Jasper asked swinging their laced hands together.

"I don't know," she began, "a cowboy." She giggled earning a full laugh from Jasper. He laughed, full and almost painful - if he had been able to feel pain or cry from laughter he would've - he held his free arm over his stomach, more out of habit than anything else. For a split second, Jasper thought Marggie would feel offended, or confused, but she started laughing too.

"Oh, God!" Jasper sighed regaining his breath, he planted his hand on his chest as he 'breathed'.

"But seriously," She said firmly, staring seriously into Jasper's eyes. "You would look nice in a cowboy hat." She mused, biting slightly on the corner of her bottom lip as she used to do. Jasper quirked his head to the side. They walked slowly, making their way to the next lesson. "Alright, out with it Cowboy." She said, feeling his piercing eyes on her.

"I wouldn't want to intrude." He answered immediately, finding out he had been staring.

"We already stated you aren't a gentleman, cowboy." Maggie walked in front of him, their hands never letting go. "Tell me." She insisted. They had stopped in the middle of the hall and had little time to their advantage, besides, Jasper couldn't deny her of anything, so he finally gave in.

"I was wondering," he began hesitantly. "The Principal called you Margaret?"


She felt herself getting a little light-headed. The way her name fell off his lips with his Texan drool made her weak in the knees at the same time it made her brain snap awake. It was as if she had been asleep and had finally been able to regain consciousness.

"Say that again?" She said almost absently.

"I shouldn't have-" Jasper began apologetically, dropping his hand from hers. Suddenly Margaret felt empty and she rushed, grabbing him by the wrist. Jasper kept frozen in place and eyed her, his eyes bordering with pain.

"Please." She begged.

"I just wondered why you didn't go by Margaret." He said quickly. "I know it's none of my business, or that you probably didn't like it and simply-" He was cut off by the potent feeling of nostalgia. He imagined her face, destroyed, sad. For a second he believed she would drop his hand and avoid him for the rest of her life. A wide radiant smile was not what he was expecting when he faced her.

"I might just start going by it again." She crooned. Then with a soft sigh, she explained. "My father used to love calling me Margaret, and he still does" They had arrived at class by then, and she took her seat at the back of the class and waited for Jasper to finish introducing himself to the professor. Once they were both seated and sharing her book once more, Jasper whispered in her ear why she had stopped going by Margaret.

"Once my sister stopped visiting I felt as if I could never be happy again." She begun. "I decided to change my life, stop being shy and take control of things." Jasper listened attentively. "That's the way things have been for three years." She paused taking a deep breath. "I tried to bury Margaret deep within me, I believed that creating a new persona would make the pain go away, but it doesn't." Their eyes met, "Patience, forgiveness, and acceptance bring happiness together, it wasn't Margaret's fault, she just didn't know how to deal with it, so she didn't." Jasper completely understood her, he remembered how he had been blaming The Major for Margaret's death, but it wasn't his fault, he simply didn't know how to live without her mate, so he didn't. "But I have a feeling that Margaret is strong enough now to carry on." their eyes never left one another's, and Jasper could almost feel that she was thanking him. He didn't know how to respond, how to make her know that he loved her, so he could only show her the way he knew, he sent his feelings in soothing waves towards her, her eyes shining. Margaret was indeed back.

That night, when Margaret arrived home she told his father, with the widest and happiest smile she had ever worn, that Margaret was back. Charlie, who knew what that meant, hugged her close, his eyes shining with tears.

When Maggie was alone in her bedroom she looked around at the countless medals and trophies that hung from a wall with pictures from cheering competitions. At the mural of photographs she had of her friends and her, and her sister. She walked towards it decisively and took the photo that was at the center of them all. Her mother her sister and her all together when they were younger. She ripped it and threw it in her garbage can. Once on her bed, wrapped in blankets and her laptop on her thighs she went on her social media. MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter, all under her username '@fifimswan' and changed her profile picture.

Anyone who knew her followed her or even tried to look for her would only find Margaret. @margaretswan was her social media username now, and her old profile picture - her all dressed up for prom, from two years ago, and standing next to her friends - was now a photo his father had taken of her when she was reading, laying on her stomach in a grassy hill with a white summer dress. No more hiding, no more pretending. She could be happy, and she would be. No more denying herself the joy of a life of her own.

She was Margaret Swan.


Jasper was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling with one of his arms behind his neck. He heard footsteps downstairs, but he couldn't be bothered at all. For once the only sensation he felt was his. The overwhelming happiness radiated from him like the rays of the sun. He had a picture of Margaret and him from their engagement, one of the first they had together back in 1858. She was sitting on a chair, her hair swept up in an intricate updo with curls around her face, and dressed in a well-fitted dress that on the photo looked greyish, but was, actually, a soft blue that enhanced her brown chocolate hair. His hand was playing with it over his chest just as Alice appeared in his doorway.

"She seemed to have known you forever." She commented blissfully, rocking back and forth on her heels.

"Technically she does," Jasper argued, the smile still stuck on his face as he turned to look at Alice. She sat beside him in a heartbeat and Jasper handed her the photograph. "This is from when we got engaged." He pointed at the photograph, tapping it softly. "Not too long after I was sent to the front." He added. Then he felt Alice's emotions change as she froze, her eyes glazed. When she snapped out of it she didn't know how to proceed, she stood, and Jasper felt her hesitation and doubt. Then Edward's came bursting in.

"When will that be?" He asked just as he arrived, his voice confused.

"I- I can't tell," Alice answered.

"What is going on?" It was Carlisle now, followed by Esme. Shortly after Rosalie, Emmett, and Michael all came to the room.

"Alice, what did you see?" Jasper's voice came out strained, he still held the photo in his hand.

"It was her," Alice began, not able to make eye contact with anyone. "She was just running through the woods." She added.

"Was she hurt? In danger?" Jasper spoke quickly, his mind racing and his eyes darkening.

"No," Alice murmured. "She was running," she paused and looked him in the eyes. "With you."

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