Chapter 18: "Echoes of Forbidden Passion"

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In the languid hours of the afternoon, Ayodele found herself within the confines of the floor in front of the library, engrossed in scrolls, when the Crown Prince made his unexpected appearance.

"Didn't think I'd find you here," he said, leaning against the ornately carved wooden doorframe. His eyes swept over her figure, taking in the sight of her engrossed in the scrolls spread out on the ground before her.

"Well, don't let me keep you," she quipped without looking up, her eyes trailing over the intricate brushstrokes of the aged parchment.

He pushed himself off the frame, walking over to her and seating himself beside her. He paused, his gaze lingering on the array of scrolls spread before her.

"You should take a break," he said, the usual harsh edge of his voice now replaced by an unexpected softness. "You must've been at this for hours."

Ayodele paused, her eyes meeting his for the first time since he entered the room. She was about to throw back a retort, but the sincerity in his gaze stopped her. "And since when do you care?" she asked instead, a slight teasing lilt to her words.

He shrugged, offering a nonchalant smirk. "Just an observation," he replied, looking away, but not before she caught the hint of concern in his eyes.

Shaking her head, she returned to her scrolls, though she couldn't ignore the small smile that tugged at her lips. She wouldn't admit it aloud, but the Crown Prince's unexpected consideration had a warming effect on her.

As the Crown Prince rose, he walked towards the sideboard within the library where a tray was settled. His fingers picked up a small round object - a Yakgwa. It was a deep golden brown, its surface etched with delicate floral patterns that had been painstakingly created.

He held it out towards Ayodele, a soft clearing of his throat announcing his intentions. "You should eat something," he stated, his hand extending the Yakgwa towards her. His eyes avoided hers, focusing instead on the cookie.

Ayodele's gaze flitted from the offered cookie to his face, her brows furrowing in mild surprise. This was uncharacteristic of the Crown Prince she knew, and yet, she found herself accepting the cookie. "Is this your way of sweetening me up, Jeonha?" she teased, a twinkle in her eye.

He met her gaze then, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. His fingers were still hovering in the space between them, holding the small delicacy. The Crown Prince rolled his eyes, a soft scoff leaving his lips. "If you don't want it..." He moved to bring the Yakgwa towards his own mouth.

" I didn't say that." Ayodele protested as she extended her hand for it to be given over to her. When he wouldn't hand it over.

She reached forward, just as he started to bring the cookie toward his mouth, her hand accidentally pushing against his chest.

Ayodele let out a small gasp as the Crown Prince stumbled back from the force of her push, crashing to the ground with an undignified thud. Her eyes widened in shock, her hands instinctively reaching out to steady him. "I'm sorry!" she exclaimed, her hands now resting on the Crown Prince's chest.

The cookie had slipped from his fingers, rolling away across the polished wooden floor of the palace. They ended up with Ayodele sprawled atop the Crown Prince, their faces inches apart.

Their startled laughter filled the room, ringing in the silent corridors of the palace. A lightness filled their expressions, something akin to surprise and amusement swirling in their eyes. They remained like that for a moment longer than necessary, neither of them rushing to untangle themselves from the awkward position.

The Crown Prince looked up into Ayodele's eyes, his expression softening as he smiled. "It seems like you're really determined to get that cookie," he joked, a hint of color adorning his cheeks under the playful banter.

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