Felix - "Up for making brownies?"

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I know that you don't get to read them taking out the brownies, but I didn't realise know how to finish this one-shot, so have this. Also if some of it has bad SPaG then it's because it hasn't been proofread, anyway enjoy!

You slumped in your chair as you watched TV, waiting for Felix to come home from work. He'd been let out early, so you expected him to be here by now, but he wasn't, so you waited patiently for him. The sun shone through the window, lighting up the living room and lighting up the driveway enough for you to see Felix's car pull up. Finally, you thought, and made your way towards the door and unlocked it. There you see Felix, holding 2 shopping bags and a huge bag of flour in his hands. "Hi, love! You up for making brownies?" His voice was full of cheer, and you couldn't have said no even if you wanted to. "Sure, brownie boy."

The two of you made your way into the kitchen, where Felix dropped the bags onto the floor in exhaustion. "Damn, those bags were heavy!" He said as he wiped a non-existent sweat bead from his forehead, making you giggle. He carefully took the brownie ingredients from the bags and placed them on the table in a tower-like formation, making soft gasps every time an ingredient wobbled. As he did this, you washed your hands and wet a cloth to wipe the counter, but when you turned around, you noticed all of the ingredients had fallen over the counter. "Felix!" You managed to speak in between the fits of giggles and he smiled at you, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. "Oops.." He picked up all of the ingredients, pushing them onto another counter so you could wipe the tables and you noticed Felix opening one of the packets, "Wash your hands brownie boy!" Felix quickly ran over to wash his hands, as you continued cleaning the counters, as well as getting the bowl and wooden spoon from the cupboard. You saw Felix jumping about in excitement out of the corner of your eye and you sped up your actions, not wanting to keep him waiting. "Can we start yet, y/n?" Felix was still bouncing on the heels of his feet and gently tapping the counter. "Yes, love. Give me a minute!" You put away the towel you used to dry the counters, before heading over to the island, where Felix stood, "Alright, we can start now." He practically jumped up in excitement, "Let's do this!"

*Time skip bc I can't write about the baking process*

The brownies were now in the oven after a long and fun process, which ended in the both of you getting covered in flour, so you went to take a shower and get into your PJs, as Felix had invited you to watch a movie with him whilst you waited for the brownies. When you arrived in the living room after the shower, you found Felix spread across the sofa - shirtless. "Oh, so it's this type of movie night?" You asked, taking your place on the sofa - his lap. Felix winked at you. He gently guided your face to his, giving you a gentle kiss, which you returned. Putting the movie on, you realise that Felix had put on dirty dancing and you knew what that meant. You turn back to face him, planting a kiss on his lips, "We should make brownies more often ;)" 

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