By the time we got to the end I was shivering and could faintly see my breath. The room was open and inside I could see long metal tables and shiny shelves that held what seemed to be glass jars. In each one was a, I nearly puked when we got closer and I could small unborn fetuses floating around in thick looked liquid. Each was in a stage on growth and had what looked to be the beginning of ears and a tail. Bile rose in my throat and I swallowed thickly. "Fuck," Austin said as he took a few more steps. "I've never seen any of this before. This is wrong."

I cringed and turned back around to search the rest of the room. There was a cork board covered in pictures, all of which was Kellin at different moments in his life. Some of him as a baby, then toddler, next was child hood then tween. The teenage pictures were the worse because he looked downright awful and sick in all of them.

Austin suddenly called from across the room, "Vic, I found him!" In an instant I was beside him and saw that he was listing a sheet off of what had looked like a normal box, but without the cover it was clearly a large dog cage. My stomach twisted when I saw the beaten and scrawny form of Kellin curled in the corner, seemingly passed out. "Kitten." I whispered sadly as I bent down fumbling with the lock and nearly crying when realizing it need a code. Austin leaned down next to me and rattled the door. Kellin twitched slightly but otherwise lay still.

 "Tony-" I began to talk to my friend who had been awfully quiet. I turned to see him standing there, right behind us with a disturbing look on his face. He smirked and said, "You idiots. I'm so happy you both decided to trust me. Wrong choice." My mouth dropped in shock.

"Gerard, get in here!"


Ten minutes later and Austin and I were both hand-cuffed to the bars of Kellin's cage. My kitten was still passed out and I was worried, and scared, and worried, and angry. So many emotions and all them caused by my bastard of a friend.

"How could you?" I hissed venomously.

Tony smirked from where he stood next to Gerard. Both now wearing lab coats and Tony's hair fixed- it had all been an act. "Well, it's simple really. My research means the world to me, and when I'd learned of what Gerard here was doing three years ago I wanted in. I worked with him and watched Kellin from behind the scenes. Then, Kellin escaped. It was just coincidence that you found him. He'd never seen me before. I'd always wanted to teach Kellin more- let him learn math and proper English but no one else agreed with me. That's the only reason you got to keep him as long as you had, because I wanted to test my stuff. I got far enough along so I decided to return him, simple as that."

"You asshole!" I screamed, trying to rip my arms away from the bars. "You fucking bastard! We've been friends since we were children and you still decide to do this? To betray me?" Tony cocked his head to the side and laughed ruefully, "Pretty much."

Suddenly, I heard shuffling beside me and turned to see Kellin abused body struggle to sit up. Most of his face was covered by his greasy hair and his ears drooped. "Vic?" His tired voice asked, almost in a scared tone. "Yeah Kitten, I'm here."  I saw him smile slightly before Tony interrupted by pulling a gun out of his waistband. "Well, I guess this is it. Say your goodbyes."

Escape (Kellic/ boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now