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I stepped through the front door, beaming with joy. My mom glanced at me, a bemused expression on her face, as she watched TV.

"Have you lost your marbles?" she asked, unable to hide the hint of amusement in her voice.

"Absolutely not!" I quickly denied her playful accusation.

"Alright, if you say so," she chuckled, shaking her head at my exuberance.

But deep down, I knew what she meant.

After a delicious meal with my family, I headed straight to my room and flopped onto my cozy bed. Today had been nothing short of extraordinary because I met someone new. There was something about her that set her apart from the rest – from her kind and gentle voice to her unique presence. Though, she did seem a bit worn out, like she had been carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.

A small frown tugged at the corners of my mouth as I recalled how she looked when she woke up. Her eyes were still filled with sleep, yet there was a glimmer of gratitude in them. It was as if two hours of rest in my presence meant the world to her. How was she able to function with such little sleep? Maybe it was her natural state, or perhaps her job demanded it.

As if on cue, a message notification appeared on my screen. It was from her. Jennie. I opened it eagerly, curious to see what she had to say.

"I had the best sleep thanks to you. Let's meet up soon. I have an offer you won't want to miss."

She was genuinely grateful for just two hours of sleep? Did she suffer from perpetual sleep deprivation? How did she even survive? But regardless of the reasons, witnessing her smile like that again was worth it. So, without a second thought, I agreed to her proposal.

With work looming early the next morning, I decided it was best to catch up on some much-needed sleep. I slipped out of my bed and made my way to the bathroom for a refreshing half-bath. One by one, I shed my clothes and stepped into the shower, adjusting the water temperature to a pleasantly cool setting.

After a quick wash-up, I towel-dried my hair and changed into my comfiest pajamas before nestling back into the welcoming embrace of my bed. The room was filled with a tranquil silence, punctuated only by the gentle ticking of the clock in the living room.

My eyelids grew heavy, and as soon as they closed, her face appeared before me in my dreams. What a beautiful, enigmatic face it was.


"What's new, Y/N? Anything exciting happen over the weekend?" my coworker asked, interrupting my sandwich bite as my eyes remained glued to the computer screen.

I let out a tired sigh, attempting to shake off the fatigue that already threatened to consume me.

A yawn escaped my lips, and I felt my eyelids grow heavier.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" Alice inquired, eyeing me suspiciously.

I shrugged, my shoulders rising and falling nonchalantly. "I went to bed early, but I still feel exhausted this morning. Must be the Monday blues."

Alice chuckled sympathetically. "I totally get it."

Nodding in agreement, I replied, "Oh, and something interesting did happen yesterday."

"Really?" Alice's eyebrows shot up in anticipation.

"Spill the tea!" she exclaimed excitedly, barely able to contain her enthusiasm. Her eyes practically sparkled with curiosity. It was good to see her cheerful self again.

The Sleeping Contract (Jennie X Female Reader X Rosé)Where stories live. Discover now