Chapter 9

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Beep beep.

"Maya," I suddenly heard a knock on my bedroom door.

I flew up so abruptly that I nearly bumped my head on the bedhead. I ruffled my hand around on the bed searching for my phone but to no avail. I peeked over my bedside and saw it laying on my fluffy, sky-blue mat below. Carefully, I picked it up and looked at the time.


I overslept!

"Maya," I heard a knock again. It was coming from my dad.

"Coming, dad," I replied shoving my huge, burgundy comforter off me.

I rubbed my foggy eyes that were only half open and rolled out of bed to open the blinds. The sunlight creeked in causing me to squint my eyes. The birds chirped outside as they flew about with little twigs in their beaks. It was then that I felt a dull, nagging ache in my forehead.

Ugh! I hate being hung over.

I opened my bedroom door to see my dad all dressed up in his sherif suit with a teacup in his hand.

"You're up early," he remarked with sarcasm dripping from his tone.

"I'm sorry. I overslept. I'll be down in thirty minutes," I said leaning on the door frame.

I was so tired. Last night at the party we played game after game and chatted for hours. It was a very fun experience but also a very tiring one.

"See, this is why you should have listened to your parents and be home by ten," he said with a straight face.

"I know, dad. I'm sorry," I apologized.

"Brought you some tea for the headache you're having," he said gesturing for me to take the teacup from his hand.

It's not the first, second, third or even fourth time I've been hungover so my dad knows just how to react. I took the hot cup of tea from his hand and took a sip.

"Mint," I smiled.

"Your favourite," he replied.

"Thanks dad."

"I'm off to work now. Got a new case on my hands," he said turning around on his heels.

Before he could walk away he quickly spun back around.

"Oh, remember Ms. Meadowbrook?" He questioned.

"Yeah, Teresa's mom. She makes the best apple pies," I said remembering the days when I used to always gobble down her scrumpiuos, homemade recipe apple pies.

Every evening after kindergarden I used to hang out with Teresa. Yes she was mean but most of the times I went over to her house because of her mom's delicious apple pies and to play with her toys. I had toys too but, mine was not as cool as hers.

"She would like for us to be a part of her family get together. She's getting married soon."

It's funny how life always seems to take a turn, maybe for the better or maybe for the worst. After Teresa moved away in middle school I was confident that I would never see her again. I had a huge rejoice ceremony in my room with my teddy bears that night but years later only to be reintroduced to her as my crush's step-sister. My crush which turns out to be my friend's boyfriend. Yes it's wrong. I know. I want to suppress these feelings but it's just so hard when butterflies in my stomach erupt everytime I see him.

Ugh! He's so cute.

I recalled that day on the yacht that Jaxon didn't seem too happy about his parents' divorce. I mean, who wouldn't be? He mentioned his new step-mom was a bit too much. If Teresa still has her old ways then Jaxon's life may just turn into a whole emotional turmoil or far worse.

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