Chapter 6

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It was Friday afternoon and I was sat at the dining table scrolling the internet for a cupcake recipe. My parents were not home from work as yet and the TV failed to entertain me for longer than two hours. I hadn't left the house all morning, instead I stayed home and tided my room that my mom had been begging me to do for the past two weeks. The laptop rested before me on the table displaying various cupcake recipes. My eyes marveled over the screen for a while before I heard my phone ping. I took it from the table and opened the message. It was from Ava.

Ava: Party on the beach tonight. It'd be great if you came.

Party at the beach tonight. Beach, yes. I'm not much of a party girl, but I guess it wouldn't hurt going. I knew my parents would allow me to go; after all they're always encouraging me to go out instead of keeping myself locked away from the wonders of the world. Besides, I've been locked in all day like Rapunzel. I texted Ava inquiring about the time of the event. I waited a few minutes before my phone went off again.

Ava: Can I come over? I'm just a block or two away. I'll tell you everything once I get there.

Me: Sure thing.

Ava: Jaxon's with me too. Is it okay if he tags along or your parents have a no boys policy kinda thing? seriously, is it cool?

I stared at the phone screen blankly for a moment. Jaxon? Here? At my house? My stomach churned at the thought and my lips curved into a shy smile. I looked at the clock on the wall which just struck 2:35pm. My parents would not be home until another three hours. My mom knew of Ava since I talked about her a lot, but Jaxon, I haven't a clue how they'd react seeing a teenage boy sprawled out in their living room. I finally texted her telling her that I didn't mind him tagging along. Soon after, she replied saying she was on her way. My excitement grew enormously. Jaxon's going to be here any minute.


Jaxon's going to be here any minute!

I glanced down at my pink and black striped romper that stopped mid thigh and my bare feet dangling under the table. I ran upstairs to my room and flung on my spongy, black sandals that I had kicked off an hour ago. I went to the bathroom and washed my face giving it that cool, refreshing look. About ten minutes later the doorbell rang. My heart pounded in my chest as I got up from around the dining table and made my way towards the door. I opened the front door to see the ginger-haired girl smiling brightly with Jaxon by her side. His face had his usual scowl.

"Hey! Ahh...come in," I warmly invited.

Jaxon motioned Ava to enter first then he entered after. Passing beside me, he nudged my side a little.

"Hello," he greeted.

Smiling, I closed the front door and lead them to the living room.

"Make yourself at home," I said turning on the TV that hung on the wall.

The visitors sat down in the large, honey-brown couch with Ava resting her head on Jaxon's shoulder.

"It's a nice place you've got here," Ava commented. "Modern."

"Thanks, all props to my parents," I credited.

"Are they home?" She questioned, her green eyes darting about the minimalistic room.

"Not until six," I let known.

"Shall I get you anything?" I offered heading towards the kitchen.

"No, thank you. We just ate. Jaxon's dad made us delicious chicken sandwiches."

I nodded and made my way towards the other couch adjacent to the one they were seated in.

"You've got a pencil in your hair," Jaxon noticed.

I raised my arm snatching my sharpened-down Papermate pencil from my messy bun.

"Oh, umm, I was practicing some math questions this mo-"

"Who does math in summer?!" Ava butted in letting out a light chuckle.

"My dad's making me do it. He said I should keep on top of my math or else I'll get rusty," I explained.

Fortunately, I was a good math student. My parents are strict about me getting my education and oftentimes insist I keep practising.

"Hmm, true," she agreed. "My parents don't care if I pass or fail, but I pass anyways. Right Jaxie?" She continued.

Jaxie? Cute!

Jaxon smiled as he put his arms around her neck closing the small gap between them.

"Right," he stared at her with loving eyes.

"Jaxie?" I repeated with a snicker.

"It's his pet name," she explained. "He only allows me to call him that."

Jaxon's face immediately turned a bright red, unsure if out of embarrassment or he's blushing.

"He hates it but I think it's cute," she added.

Awww. Reminds me of my last boy bestie back in California. He was a total moron to everyone except me. I had a nickname for him that only I could get away with. He was the sweetest...most times. He ended up moving to England two years ago.

"It is," I smiled.

Out of curiosity I asked, "Are you best friends?"

Jaxon and Ava exchanged confused glances. Jaxon cleared his throat, slouching simultaneously.

"No," she laughed raising an eyebrow at me.

"He's my boyfriend. I thought I mentioned it to you already," she chuckled awkwardly leaning in on Jaxon.

My breath stopped for a second.



Ava's boyfriend.

My heart punctured in my chest as if her words were daggers that bore through me. My legs grew heavy and a wave of nervousness flushed my body. I sat still looking at her for a while, her mouth moving expelling words I couldn't even recognize. It was as if my brain had blocked out everything else she was saying. Her airy voice echoed in my head.

"He's my boyfriend."

My lips quivered slightly before I let out an awkward giggle.

"Oh, wow! That's amazing!" I said. "How long have you been together?"

"Almost a year," Ava replied.

"Wow! You guys are adorable," I said sincerely.

"Didn't I tell you already?" She asked cocking her head to the side while squinting her eyes in confusion.

"I don't recall."

"Oh, no. It was Avery," she finally remembered.

As if to change the topic of conversation the handsome, hazel-eyed boy spoke up, "What time is the party again, 7?"

Ava nodded giving him a weird look, "Jaxon, babe this is the third time you're asking."

"I know," he smirked.

"What time does it end? My parents won't be too thrilled if I stay out late," I inquired.

"Ten," Jaxon and Ava said in harmony.

They glanced at each other then smiled.

I smiled at the happy couple adjacent to me. I was so happy for them, but somewhere deep inside I was sad, not because they were together but because I knew I had a crush on a guy who was out of boundaries. I don't know how long my crush will last but I hope it fades soon. Ava is my friend and I would never interfere in anyone else's relationship.

Ava and I scurried up the stairs to my room to pick out an outfit leaving Jaxon slouched on the couch watching The Premier League.


Bummer, ain't it?

Has anyone ever been in a situation like this? Feel free to share in the comments.

See you in Chapter 7.

Bye lovelies.

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