What Needs Saying

Start from the beginning

"This is very important, Sirius..." Dorcas said, and real concern was on her face, which Sirius appreciated, but still... if there was one thing that James's experience and departure in the training program at the Ministry had taught them all it was that the Ministry for Magic was not entirely trustworthy itself. Just because he knew he could trust Dorcas and the Prewett twins, did not mean that he could trust this office or anything else Ministry related.

"I want to go home," he pleaded. "We can talk another time, can't we?"

She sighed, but she nodded, frustrated and worried, and she got up, "Alright. Let's make an appointment right now, alright?" 

"Yeah, sure."

He gave Dorcas Meadows that much, though he rather thought he probably wouldn't have done if it was anyone else and honestly he probably wouldn't keep the appointment. The walk out from the Prewetts' office to the atrium and back to the hall of floos felt forever and Sirius had to practically wrench Dorcas off himself. "I'm alright, I can floo home myself," he said when she offered to take him back to the flat in East London.

He tumbled through the fireplace and into the living room of the flat. Remus and Peter were there alone, as Marlene had gone home, and Remus had enlisted Peter in helping him look through books - the stack beside the couch had grown, nearly every book he owned on defensive magic was stacked up and being combed through, searching for more information on the magic that would explain how the Dark Mark worked. They both looked up when Sirius appeared. 

Peter jumped up from the couch, knocking over the smaller stack of books he was working his way through, and ran over to Sirius, wrapping his arms around him. "Sirius I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, Peter," Sirius said resolutely, "It isn't him."

"What?" Remus put aside the book he was looking at.

"The body they have there, it isn't Regulus."

"It's not? Who is it then?"

"Dunno. Somebody that looks like Regulus, but it isn't my brother."

Remus's eyes went from hopeful to worried. "Sirius..."

"No listen, he didn't have on his pendant or his watch," Sirius started.

"Well those things are taken off at a morgue aren't they?" Remus said gently. "That's why I have my mother and father's rings..."

"Alright, perhaps, but the mortician says he didn't have those things on him when they found him at the Ministry."

"Maybe Regulus took them off himself for some reason."

"He would never take off that pendant - he hasn't taken it off in years - and the watch... You saw him this morning, Moony - he wasn't about to take that off, either."

Peter shook his head, "He wasn't. You're right."

"Peter, don't encourage him in this --" Remus said, sighing. He looked at Sirius, "Honey, it's just jewelry, it comes off. Perhaps one of the Death Eaters --"

"No, Remus, that's not my only evidence anyway," Sirius interrupted him, "It's also that when I checked for his watch, I realized that his arms were bare. No Dark Mark."

Silence hung among them. Remus's eyes narrowed as he thought about this. 

"Skin as smooth as anything," Sirius added, "So I asked Dorcas Meadows if magical tattoos can be removed and she said that they can, sure, but it isn't something that would vanish in a couple hours. He had the Mark this morning, Remus, that's what transported him when I stupidly went and said the name. But that body at the Ministry? Nothing there. Not even a scar."

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now