Chapter 3

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I stared at the screen of my phone. On the one hand, messaging the alarmingly beautiful pair from English class would be a fun distraction to the sound of my father throwing up in the downstairs bathroom, hungover at 4:00 pm. On the other hand, I didn't want to come across as too eager, or weird. But, good God, they were the most compelling people I had ever met. The surge of energy I'd felt while sitting beside them was unlike anything else and I was desperate to feel it again. Maybe I was so lonely, so filled with grief, that I was latching on to the first people who had shown me any interest.

Everyone else in the high school had been annoyingly predictable. Overly preppy, obviously fake Jessica Stanley from first period had swooped in as soon as Rosalie and Emmett left, dying to introduce herself. Mike Newton, a little too friendly, insisted on walking me from class to class, much to Jessica's poorly masked displeasure. The subject material was standard and the teachers were nice enough, so at least I didn't have to worry about falling behind.

Emmett: hey. u busy?

I glanced down at the screen and felt my heart do a little flutter. It felt stupid, and absolutely irresponsible, to develop crushes on my first day of school. But how could I not? Something about the pair was so...otherworldly. I thought of Rosalie's silky hair and Emmett's massive, toned physique. Their amber eyes so similar but so different; his playful, hers guarded. They had secrets, I just knew it.

Marley: No. I was thinking about texting you.

Emmett: u should have, we were waiting.

We were waiting. That made me grin, foolishly. I heard the toilet finally flush downstairs and my father tromp back to bed. He hadn't gotten home until around 6:30, just as I was rising for school, and I had watched from the top of the stairs as he had stumbled drunkenly to his room. I didn't know how to help. I didn't know if I could help.

Marley: Add Rosalie, we can make this a group chat.

Emmett: done :)

I waited for a few minutes, sitting cross-legged on the surprisingly comfortable mattress. When my phone chimed, I made myself wait an additional minute, even if it was stupid, just to prove I wasn't that interested.

Rosalie: Hello, Marley.

Marley: Are you feeling better? I was worried about you after you left.

Rosalie: You shouldn't have, I'm fine. I think I was just tired.

Emmett: okay let's talk about me now ;)

A surprised laugh burst from my lips. He got points for being funny.

Marley: So, Rose, any plans later?

Rosalie: No. Are you free to hang out?

Emmett: this is bullying.

Marley: Yes, Rose, I am free. But I don't have a car.

Rosalie: I'll be there in 10.

Emmett: so will I!!!!!

I didn't question how they knew where I lived. My dad was a local legend, in his own way. Plenty of people gave him rides after his shifts, for public safety more than anything else. I set my phone on the dresser and walked into the bathroom to contemplate my reflection. They had seen me at school earlier looking considerably soggy. Would it be too obvious if I changed? My wardrobe was slim to none, and the jeans at least fit my body nicely. I opted to swap the damp tee-shirt for a maroon colored turtleneck and threw my hair in a messy bun, leaving the most manageable curls free to frame my face.

10 minutes didn't leave much time to fuss with makeup. I put on vanilla chapstick and tamed my brows a little bit, deeming myself worthy of a casual outing with potential new friends. New, hot friends.

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