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So Moxxie is buying a house and he buys it and it's like a shitty little one room house that was overpriced because it was by the ocean and he sees one singular bird and is like "AAAAAAAAGAGAHHHGGHHAAAAAAAA" He sees hoes so he doesn't care about the bird anymore because hoes before birds/bros. aNyWaY they do typical hoe shit nothing out of the ordinary and then  he gets held at gunpoint for 3 dollars and he's like "nah" and they just steal it from him "ah crumbs that was the last few dollars I had in my name guess I'll get a job" moxxie said in a squeaky voice 2 hours later after searching the streets he finds a McDonald's so he gets a job there "well I guess my dad was right that I'd be working at McDonald's because I didn't get an a+ every single assignment" moxxie says

So he does his work and goes home and sleeps on his bed that is almost the same as Stardew valley grandpa's bed (very table like)

Chaz texts like "hehe uwu" for no reason and moxxie just texts back "bro you got 0 rizz"

And moxxie blocks the drugged out chazzer.

Moxxie sleeps and literally falls off his table he was sleeping on because he thought his dad was in the corner of the room but it was a coat hanger apparently it looked like his dad.

He realizes he has no friends because he likes hoes. 😔 He prioritizes hoes before bros.

Micheal Jackson goes "HEEHEE OW"

someone is like "oh is that a new song you're making?"

"No you idiot I sprained my ankle on a tiny giraffe possum looking thing" mj said.

They literally have to break their backs to look at moxxie because he's so short.

"Heehee 😏" mj said sexily.

"GFAZGDGdheadstahfazVhggFggAAAAAAAAA" moxxie said while running away but they chased him until they got to a forest and moxxie woke up. "Damn that was a weird dream almost as weird as being hugged by my dad" moxxie said while struggling to breathe because he has asthma.

"B o o" a random voice said.

moxxie but he's decided to start a new life in alaska Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu