36 | March Has Come

Start from the beginning

He missed what they had before and it made him wish he had never found out that he was not who he said he was. He still had feelings for him and rather than dealing with them, he just suppressed them. He was hoping they would leave over time.

As for now though, he'd use work to help him forget the man that was neither his door dasher nor his personal.

"Actually Jimin, today I'd like a packed schedule. Pile it on."

"I know what you're doing. It's not gonna work," he said as he left his office.

Taehyung too had a packed schedule. Because of his contract with Jeon Enterprises, he still had to model for them. He had a phone meeting with Landon. Two big jobs were coming up. Both were magazine shoots but this time he would be a part of the centerfold. Landon informed him that one day he could make the front covers if he worked hard enough. Taehyung didn't give a shit about a future in modeling. He loved the real work he did.

After getting instructions from Landon, he walked into the precinct. His desk was cluttered with papers all over. There were empty coffee cups and snack wrappers on the desk and floor. He hadn't been there much, and even when he did, it was in and out. He couldn't fathom how he managed to work as an undercover detective, a model, and be a full-time boyfriend to Jungkook. But he made it work.

Jungkook was still upset with him. Taehyung still called and texted him. He wouldn't return the messages. He was concerned about him and concerned about the unborn child.

He was not afraid to admit that Jungkook could be a handful to deal with. But he loved him. And he was in love with him. He crushed his heart asking him to leave after they made love. He knew he did it out of anger. He knew he still had love for him. Jungkook was simply doing a Jungkook thing. He was pushing it away thinking that the love would die out. But, real love never dies. Even if it fades, it would still be alive.

His mind was still on Jungkook while he was busy cleaning his desk off and dumping his trash. Afterward, he headed for Yoongi's office.

"Come on in, Detective," Yoongi said. "Glad to see you with your gun and your badge where we can see it."

"I've hidden both for a while now, it feels awkward to have them in public view," Taehyung explained.

"Well, technically, you're no longer undercover but thank goodness you decided to stay on the case. It may be wise to not wear them displayed at your other job."

"Agreed," Taehyung said. "I got a call from Namjoon to come down to the stake out to listen to some voices and watch some guys on surveillance. I assume we are close to a sting?" Taehyung asked.

"Hopefully, yes. It turns out that Oh Sehun was also Namjoon's guy. He wore a wire into The Ice House. We have plenty of tapes we can go through. Right now, we have ample charges to hit them with. But it will all involve prostitution only. New York is a little soft on professional escorts. I say we wait for the big move."

"Back to Sehun. Is he talking?" Taehyung asked.

"No, but he had offered. He wants to cut a deal, Tae."

There was a bit of silence.

"Oh fuck no. He was trying to kill my boy- Jungkook. His ass needs to rot in jail for conspiracy to commit murder and other lesser crimes committed in stalking him."

"I hear what you're saying. But, if we could get him to wear the wire at least one more time, get in there, and speak to the other informant on the drop location, we will have a win-win. We send his ass up the creek and the other bastards too."

"So, he'd be out in the free world where he could harm Jungkook again? Fuck nah."

"Well, how about this? We allow him to get out. So far, the escort houses don't know about his arrest because we've kept everything away from the press. So, he goes in and sets up a mic for us. We already have surveillance on the inside but not where the meetings and decisions are made. Once he sets up a mic, then we lock him back up. He will get probably 30 years plus for shooting the other guy at SPIN that night. He helps us and we look like we're helping him get off charges for what he did to Jungkook. Case closed."

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