Ch. 1: Kill the Whales

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"When I say War, you say Hawks!" yelled Christopher, our team captain. "WAR!"

"HAWKS!" The rest of us chanted back.







Yep. That's our almighty team captain. :) It was the last few minutes of the fourth quarter and we were down by 9. That means we have to get a touch down and a field goal, atleast. No biggie.

Anywho. We are playing the first games of the season. Against Whale High. Yeah. That's legitly their high schools name. Lame. Couldn't even change it to Killer Whales or something.

Well either way. When we're done with them, they'll be history. Our team was pumped.

We poured out onto the field, pumped and ready to win. You see, this is what we do. We let them be ahead to give our fans more motivation. They get super loud and it makes us even more energized.

I stood behind the line of our players and listened for a play. We had possession.

"Blue 5-2-79."

That's my cue.

The center snaps the ball to our quarterback and her fakes a throw, before handing it off to me.

I quickly fell into my zone, crossing in out and around people. Not one person touched me. My blockers did their job.

Sprinting down the field, I ran like my life depended on it. Straight into the end zone.


Adrenaline filled my vains as I got slapped on the back by my teammates. All we have to do now is gain possesion and get it in field goal range.

"Nice run JJ," my brother told me. "You seem out of breath, you okay?"

"Yeah," I panted. "Just catching my breath." Then I quickly walked away into line up for defence. I'm a linebacker, so maybe I could make an interception.

"Green, mine mine mine!" the other teams quarterback yelled. Isn't their team lame? I mean, 'Mine, mine, mine.' Really? They couldn't come up with something more creative?

I quickly saw who he met eyes with and ran in that general direction. Ahead of me was number 79 on thir team. A guy who has been hot all game. I sized him up and decided I could take hime. I chased him down the field a few yards. The next thing I know, I'm face first in the ground, and a big guy on their team, number 5, was smirking down at me.

"Jerk," I mumbled under my breath. There was a flag thrown and number 79 caught the ball, and ran a few yards before he got pushed out of bounds by one of my teammates. A penalty was called on number 5 for unnecissary roughness.

I hopped up 'accidentally' bumping my shoulder into number 5. He gave me a nasty look before getting back to his position.

I took my spot and the ball was snapped again. This time I kept hot on number 79's tail. The quarterback was stupid enough to throw it to him too. Just as it flew overly head, it landed in 79's hands. I launched myself using my momentum from running and took him down, hard.

I watched in slow motion as the ball flew from his arms on our way down and bounced on the ground. Bruce came immediately and scooped up the ball, charging down the field. He made it to the 20 yard line before he was taken down.

I jumped up and fist pumped. "YEAH BRUCE!!!" I yelled over the cheer of the stadium.

At this I went out to the side lines and the second string, Daniel went in for me at running back. I knew we would get the touch down so I ran back and told coach I had to go. He let me and I ran to the locker room, quickly showering and changing before discreetly leaving the locker rooms.

I joined my friend Riley up in the stands as my brother caught the ball for a touch down. We cheered.

"Where've you been Jazz?!" She asked as we walked to the parking lot and waited for my brother.

"Oh, I was there the whole game. I was just over with everyone here, there, everywhere," I said vaguely. "What'd you think of the game?" I changed the subject.

"It was so good!" She exclaimed. "I really want to meet all the players. Especially this number 7 player. JJ. He seems so hot and I bet he's chivalrous as the rest of the team... "

I listened as she blabbed on. I would of spit out my water had I been drinking something. The words I hear about my team makes me want to laugh. Me? My guys? Chivalrous?! HAHAHAHAHAHA. That's funny. Obviously this girl has quite the imagination. I so need to tell Ray about this. He would be laughing right beside me. If Riley wants chivalry, she should try a nerd. They would do anything for a beauty like her. No, I'm not lesbian. Not like there's anything wrong with being lesbian, or gay, I just want to make it clear that I am straight, into guys, period.

"Hey Riley?" I murmured, cutting her off from her fantasies. "When lightning hits the ocean, how come all the fish don't die?"

She gave me a confused look and paused a second. "How does that relate to hot football players?" A southern draw lacing her voice.

She doesn't like it when I change the topic on her. Apparently it leads her to believe that I wasn't listening... Which was true, but I only asked that because well 1.) It's on my list of 'life's mysteries' and 2.) well I really did want her to shut up.

"Oh come on now, Ri," I said using her nickname. "It's not like you've never wondered this before. And you know that's just how I work."

"Whatever," she eventually muttered. "It probably because the fish are sick proof or something."

I looked at her and started laughing. Then I heard some chuckled behind me and spun around. My brother and Ray were there giving Riley funny looks. She has the worst timing with her words. And just a strange way or thinking.

"Well howdy, gentlemen," she said seductively.

I nearly gaged on my own spit. A coughed escaped me before I started walking away, clearing my throat. Did not need to hear that shit.


Hunters my brother obviously. Just to clarify. He's the spitting image of our father. Me? Well it's funny because I don't look a darn like my family. They all have light, curly brown hair, and deep brown eyes. Except my mom. She has wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. I think I'm adopted sometimes. I've got super straight bright orangey-red hair and green eyes. Must be them recessive genes.

"Yo, chill your inner dog, Gin. We are catching a ride to the after party," Hunter explained.

Gin... Short for Ginny... Yes as in Harry Potter. With my features what do you think would happen? I don't mind too much though because Harry Potter is beast.

"Ah," I muttered. "Of course." Then I pumped up my stereo attached to my iPhone and blasted Linkin Park's New Divide. With that note, I drove away.

Looks like JJ has a party to attend.

Behind the JerseyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora