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I hate appointments!

Sitting in the doctor's office was making my stomach churn. I felt nervous, uneasy in my uncomfortable plastic chair, the sweat was even starting to gather in my hairline.

I hated sweating.

I was dressed up and uncomfortable. I looked to my left where my husband was sitting, neatly dressed in his suit minus the tie. Nothing fazes this man, but then again, he has nothing to hide by being here.

Unlike me.

I smoothed down my dress as the doctor looked over our files. Turning one page after another. It's no surprise Jeremy wanted us to dress up, This is the kind of fertility office that runs into the thousands per appointment. Dr Berkeley is supposed to be the best. Jeremy only wanted the best. But when it comes to kids I couldn't agree more.

"We're going to run some tests."The doctor in his sixties looked at me."How is your cycle, Mrs Austin?"

"It's regular, usually every 30 days."I replied.

He glanced down at the file in front of him."And you haven't been pregnant before?"

The question was asked, just like I knew it would. I shook my head in reply and refrained from eye contact with Jeremy. The guilt was eating me up inside, but it wasn't obvious to him.

He closed the file in front of him."This is not a long process. We can do all of the tests here today and get in touch with the results once we have them. Usually, we do another appointment to discuss this further, but I understand that you're a busy man, Mr Austin."The doctor looked at Jeremy.

"I leave town on business tomorrow, I won't be back for a couple of days. My wife and I would like to know the results as soon as possible."

"Of course. We can schedule a video call."The doctor stood from his chair and picked up his file from the table. Inside was our information, details of our life, from diet to menstrual flow."Let's get started."

Here we go.

Jeremy and I walked into our apartment a little after 4 pm with the emotional strain of the day between us. The tests were done, it took a couple of hours but they're done. Now we just sit and wait, which is the hard part.

I removed my heels, releasing the tension in my feet. Jeremy didn't look like he wanted to talk about the day. I should probably make myself scarce."I'm going to go shower and change out of these clothes."

"I have some calls to make, but when I'm done I'll make us some lunch."

I smiled before leaving the room towards the hallway. I walked towards my bedroom, ready to take a well-needed shower after today's examination.

Upon opening the door to our bedroom my heart pounded in shock when I saw a woman standing by the bed placing the pillows down neatly one on top of another.

In my head, I thought WTF!!

"Jeremy..."I shouted.

"Hi, Mrs Austin. My name is Paulina."She spoke in an accent after noticing the concerned look on my face."Your husband hired me to be your housekeeper."

I heard Jeremy's footsteps up the hallway. He stopped by the bedroom door."What's going on?"He asked casually like it wasn't obvious.

"You never told me that you were hiring a housekeeper. I thought we agreed that we would revisit the topic in a couple of months."I replied and smile for the woman's sake. I was trying my best to hide my anger in front of company.

THE AUSTIN WIFEWhere stories live. Discover now