Chapter Twenty-six

Start from the beginning

After, Magnus dealt with the demons around us, we went inside, knowing I could keep the wards up easily. We heard knocking again at the door. I got up alongside Magnus and went to open the door. We saw Alexander. Magnus went to close the door.

"Magnus. Stella." he called

"What do you want, Shadowhunter? Is it about the demons?" Magnus asked

"There's something you need to know about the Queen." he told us

"Well, if you came to tell us that she made a deal with Valentine, we already know." Magnus said going to close the door again

"Wait!" Alec said holding the door open "Izzy has located the rift that the demons are coming from." he said

"Oh, and you want one of us to seal it. What a surprise." Magnus said.

"Wow, you are really snarky." Jace said

"Shut it, Shadowhunter." Magnus told him.

I gently hit Magnus.

"We need a warlock to seal one this severe." Alec said

"Duh." Magnus said

"Demons don't discriminate between Downworlder, Shadowhunter, mundane. They kill them all." Alec said

"We will help seal the rift." I said

"I will seal the rift. Stella, you need to keep the wards up. You're already using more magic than you should. You're not completely 100 percent no matter what you say." Magnus told me

We looked at Alec before closing the door.

"You're going to have forgiven him sometime." I said

"I don't understand how you forgave him already. He did something that put us all in danger." He told me

"My star, always the forgiving." Magnus said.

"Please, I am one of the most vindictive people you will ever meet. I am only forgiving to family and close friends." I told him.

"Because, I have lived in this world for centuries. I understand the difficulties of being a leader. Now shall we leave." I said as we went to the Institute. Isabelle gave us a rundown of everything.

"I just spoke with Imogen. Despite her requests, there have been no troop movements in or out of Alicante since. When she went to Malachai to see what the holdup was, she was told he'd left suddenly." she told us

"So, she believes Consul Malachai is actually a spy for Valentine?" I asked

"There is no other explanation." Isabelle said

"Jace and Clary are in Lake Lyn with valentine who knows how many Circle Members and no military support." Alec said

"I can handle it." Jace said, confidently.

"Not an army, you can't." Isabelle told him.

"We need to go help them." Isabelle said

"We can't leave when the city is under assault." Alec said

"What have you got?" Magnus asked as we went towards the table.

"We've identified the demons as a rare sub-species of Edomei." Isabelle said

"Edomei?" magnus and I asked

"Your familiar with them?" Alec asked

"They're form Edom. Tenacious little devils." Magnus said

"So, we've noticed." Isabelle said

"And remarkably intelligent, capable of creating carnage in any number of ways." I said

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