It's been a very hard three years being in confinement, but it's also been a rough seven months without any sign of Malarie and my kids. She stuck to my word of not visiting me, and I'm mad I told her to do so. Although she did come back the following week after we had our fight. I was still mad, and being childish. I told her to fuck off, and to never ever come visit me again. I even pushed her to the ground- I didn't mean it, I was just upset at my current situation.

"Alright let me take these cuffs off of you, then you can get going on your way to freedom." I nod, following him into a vacant room. "You've been so well this past year. I don't know what has gotten into you, but I'm proud of you." He unhooked my cuffed wrists and ankles, walking me out to the front of the building.

My brother, Za, and Ryan served three years. Cal and my three new recruits Kevin, Brandon, and Joel, all served two years. I being the last one of our gang to be in this hell hole, got a three years and four months. I turned twenty four last month... it was one of the worst birthdays I ever had. Expect for my good pal Eric bringing me a piece of red velvet cake. He's the only guard I actually like.

"Your ride is right out there, please don't come back. Make sure you attend your therapy, and go to your rehab sessions." The guard motioned to a dark grey Ferrari, while he reminded me of what I'm needed to do with my new found freedom.

"I won't come back sir, and I for sure will attend my sessions. Thank you once again, have a nice day." I shook his hand, walking out to my awaiting ride.

"Oh shit! Oh shit everybody, It's my little baby brother. Your ass is finally out. Damn I've missed you." Alex rushed over to me, engulfing me in a warm hug. "Hey man, I've missed you too." I hugged him as well, patting his back.

"Let me look at you." He pushed me arms distance away from him, looking me over. "Damn you're buff as hell, and that hair bro... it's long as fuck man." He rubbed my hair, messing it all up. "Yeah, I was buffing out up in there. My hair... I kind of like it long, like this." I fix my hair back, adjusting the plastic bag on my shoulder. As well as switching my hands with my other bags.

"Oh hell, where's my damn manners? Let me take your stuff, man." He took my bags out of my hands, placing all my stuff in the backseat. "Thank you Alex." He waved me off, continuing to arrange everything.

I took it upon myself to get inside the car, buckling up my seatbelt while I was at it. Not a minute later, Alex is doing the same. Pealing off unto the crowded rode of many cars. The whole car ride was talked filled- mostly by Alex. I didn't mind, I was told all of what I missed this past three months. He's only been out three months before me, so he's missed quite a lot as well.

"Yeah, but he has a head full of curly blond hair, man." Alex tells me about my son, as we drive down a very familiar street. "What about Natasha, how does she look?" I ask sadly, looking out my window.

"Shit, she's like a miniature version of Mal. Even through she's not biologically y'all's, she looks just like Malarie bro." I close my eyes trying to imagine seven year old Natasha, instead of four year old her.

You would think I'd have pictures of my children- I do, but Malarie stopped sending them after I went off on her. She was nice enough to keep money on my books, as well as sending me packages and letters, from my mom and kids. I don't know how I'll apologize to her... but I know I have to. I prayed for strength, when I'll be able to tell her.

"How is Malarie?" Guilt building up in my body, as I mention her name. "Uh, she's getting by. You know she has a lot on her plate now... work, school, her being a single mom- well you know what I mean." I nod weakly, seeing that we pulled into the all too familiar driveway of my house.

Salubrious (Jason McCann)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя