Chapter 12: Deserve Nothing

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A fresh day dawned upon the school, casting its hot, hopeful rays as Min and Hyun strolled through the gates, silently praying that their tumultuous roller coaster ride was finally coming to a halt. The depression on their shoulders lifted, at least for the first half of the day, as Naeun and Kai had found themselves suspended due to their reckless indulgence in underage drinking and smoking. With this temporary reprieve, the devoted couple believed they had little to worry about, granting them the freedom to focus on their individual struggles.

For now, Min had made it his mission to accompany Hyun to the school library, determined to help him catch up on his studies where he had fallen behind. Aside from English, the two shared no common subjects, yet Min was willing to invest his time and effort to support his beloved. On the other hand, Hyun planned to assist Min in finding a suitable club, an opportunity for him to broaden his social horizons.

As they made their way to the library, Min suddenly excused himself, citing the need to use the restroom. Left standing alone, Hyun shifted uncomfortably while awaiting his lover's return, until his attention was captured by Akio, who approached him with an air of exhaustion.

"Hey, Hyun! Where's Min? I brought him a notebook and some snacks," Akio panted, having hurried to catch up with him.

Hyun swiftly snatched the snacks from Akio's hands, a bristle of suspicion lacing his movement.

"These aren't for you. Don't you dare open them!" Akio's voice rang out.

Hyun meticulously examined the wrappers of fruit candy, rotating them between his fingers, and scrutinizing each ingredient listed.

"You think I'm crazy? Why would I want to harm Min on his birthday?" Akio retorted, attempting to clarify his intentions.

At that moment, Hyun's serious expression transformed into pure surprise, like a detective piecing together a vital clue at a crime scene.


"It's his birthday, bro! You're best friends, but you can't even remember his birthday? Classic Hyun," Akio chuckled, erupting into laughter.

"Damn. Um, Aki, just wait here. If Min asks for me, tell him I went to get some... books. And, uh, don't wish him yet!" Hyun hastily instructed before dashing away like a little tiger beetle.

"Well, that's interesting. Hyun never sprints this fast just to fetch some boring books," Akio mused to himself.

After a minute or two, Min returned, his face etched with a sense of betrayal as he scanned the surroundings.

"Hi, Akio. Where's Hyun? He was just here a few seconds ago," Min queried, his gaze darting in all directions.

"He went to get some...uh...books. Just stay put. He'll be back soon."

However, Hyun's return was anything but swift. Seconds stretched into minutes, minutes expanded into half an hour. Min teetered on the edge of losing his composure when, fortunately, Hyun finally reappeared, narrowly averting his boyfriend's boiling point.

"Hyun, where did you go? Grasping these concepts will require time. And what's with that enormous cardboard box you're carrying? Where did you find it?" Min's voice held a serious undertone.

"You'll see!"

Confidently, Hyun led the group, clutching the box, to a secluded corner of the school near the old biology laboratory. Carefully situating the package on a bench beneath a staircase, he leaned in and whispered something into Akio's ear. Hyun dashed away once again, only to return moments later, accompanied by his self-proclaimed younger siblings, Ishi and Manu. Amidst this unfolding spectacle, Min stood by, bewildered, raising his eyebrows and occasionally flipping through the pages of a textbook, attempting to acquaint himself with the subject matter.

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