Chapter Nineteen: A New Breed (Part I)

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The night was a calm and quiet one, thankfully. Most of the villagers were able to have a good night's rest at last. The few that were awake kept guard of the area. The only intrusions they had so far were the few pestering insects that would simply wave away or kill with a simple tap.

Despite the temporary peace so far, an eccentric but determined alchemist remained awake. Saint Germaine had been wandering in a castle making the sigils required for the summoning. Just when he was finished with his last one for the night, he heard a door open close by.

He turned his head and saw a small light from the doorway. He hid behind a wall that was connected to the hallway to see who it was. Once the figure stepped out, it was revealed to be Cristine.

The young woman looked at her sleeping lover as she quietly shut the door. She seemed unhappy with something for a while as she left the halls in the opposite direction of where Germain was. Curious about what she was up to, he followed her behind but cautiously.

He would wait for about ten seconds before entering a hallway, hiding behind walls to keep himself from being seen, and making sure that his footing was light and steady.

Eventually, after going from hallway to hallway Cristine entered her old room. She shuts the door behind her, gently to not risk disturbing anyone close by. Germaine would wait nearly a full minute before slowly approaching the door. As he got closer, he could hear someone or something whimpering like a wounded pup.

Once in front of the door, he knelt and looked through the keyhole. Cristine's back was facing the door at the time her body began to change.

As her fingers became longer, her nails turned to claws and her hands began turning black. Her skin was slowly turning from pale to an indigo-greyish color. The pup-like whimpers only continued as she held herself.

Germain then opened the door, and a somewhat loud creaking would follow. The whimpers when then almost immediately stop as she turns her head, growling a bit. Anyone would look at this creature with fear, hate, and/or with awe; but Germain was not like anyone. He looked down at her with an unphased stare, showing her his lack of intimidation; his heart even kept its steady rhythm.

The creature looked up, directly at his ice-blue eyes still keeping eye contact. She growled a little at first as Germain calmly let out his hand. She growled a bit more and then got closer. She then whimpered again, leaning into his hand.

" There, there girl... Perhaps when you are back in your normal state, I will explain your condition... Seems like it is long overdue.", he told her calmly.

The creature nuzzled his hand, affectionately. Germain knelt beside her and stroked her long, dark auburn hair as the creature then lay her head on his lap. She was like a frightened child or a wounded animal looking for comfort, regardless of her current form her humanity was still lingering. As he looked down at her, his calm but cold expression became one of pity for this girl.

" Hmm... Is this why you kept her, Erina?", he thought as he stopped stroking her hair," Perhaps I cannot blame you.".


Next morning...

Alucard wakes up when a ray of sunlight hits his face. He rubs his eyelids a little before they open up. He then sat up and stretched out his arms while making a long groan.

He then turned to his right to find his lover not to be seen. His eyes widened slightly, but he figured that she was already up or decided to head to her old room. He then removed the blanket from him and got out of the bed. He then got ready for the day.

Just when he finished he heard the door open. He turned and saw Cristine enter, carrying a tray that held two bowls of porridge with berries.

" Good morning, dearest. I made us some breakfast.", she greeted him with a smile. He smiled back at her as he approached her." I was going to look for you.", he told her as he took one of the bowls.

" Did I worry you?", she inquired.

He used his free hand to hold her cheek and told her," A little, but I would have found you eventually.". He then leaned his head down to kiss her lips. She obliged by kissing back.

They both would then sit on the chaise lounge and begin to eat. They were silent for the most part, simply enjoying each other's company.

Around when they were on their final few bites, Alucard would then glance at her. He began to notice some level of detachment in her eyes as if she was not entirely there, somehow. He couldn't tell if it was possibly a result of another nightmare he might not know about or if she was simply dozing off. He would then ask her," Did you have any bad dreams again?".

Cristine's eyes widened a bit when hearing his voice. She was already too used to the silence at the moment. She turned her head immediately in his direction." Hm? On no, well...", she looked down then looked back at him after attempting to answer him. As she often would when troubled, she struggled to speak more clearly to him and began looking down at her twiddling fingers. Alucard began to feel more concerned by her reaction. He set his bowl aside and turned his body in her direction. He carefully took her bowl and spoon and then set them aside.

Alucard looked toward her inventively and with concern. He gently took one of her twiddling hands and gently stroked the knuckles with his thumb. Her hands became calmer after this and so did she. She looked at him with worry in her sky-blue eyes." What is troubling you, Cristine?", he whispered to her.

" The nightmares didn't wake me up this time...", she gripped his hands a bit tightly as she answered," I began to change again last night. I fear whatever it is I have is getting worse.".

Alucard lifted his head slightly until his lips were against her forehead as she explained." I left to my old room bed I was worried that I would end up hurting you again. I don't know what is going on.", she spoke as if she were about to cry. She leaned into his chest. Alucard wrapped an arm around her waist.

" Later today... We will go into the Belmont Hold and search for the answer to what you have.", Alucard suggested in a kind but serious tone," We will find the answers to what is wrong with your dreams and these changes because I do think any of my father's books can or at least not much of them.". Cristine nuzzled into his neck a bit. He gently pecked her shoulder.

" Are you certain that the Hold has it?", she asked. Rarely have they ever discussed the Belmont. He only mentioned the name less than a handful of times to her. She was never curious about the place.

" If not there, then the answer is elsewhere. There is a chance we may have to leave to find someone who can.", he told her. Her hands clenched the back of his shirt, fearing the thought of leaving. Not out of the comfort of the place now that there were more people, but out of fear of the world she had not seen in such a long time.

" Hopefully it will not come to that.", she spoke," The outside world frightens me. The people out there especially.". They pulled away from the embrace for a moment before pecking each other's lips.

They then lean their foreheads together. " I know... They frighten me too.", he admitted in a tender whisper.


After finishing their breakfasts, Alucard led Cristine out of the room while holding her hand in a firm but tender grip. He then led her out of the halls, passing by a few people; then out of the castle only to have to pass more people. Still not used to so many people, Cristine would bring herself closer to him. She gripped the arm of the very same hand that held hers and leaned into him. He took notice and gave her a sympathetic gaze. He lifted her hand to give it a gentle kiss on her knuckles. Her grip on him loosened a bit. This small gesture calmed her, at least a little.

Cristine let him go as they got on the platform and then entered the Belmont Hold.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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