Author's Note: Long Overdue

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Dear Readers,

As you already know it has been over a year since I last wrote a chapter. There are reasons for this and ones that you all deserve an explanation for.

I am thinking of rewriting this fanfiction. The plot will not change but I will be making plenty of redos of the whole story... Well, what I have so far of it. I have been wanting to do it for a while and I have left far too many plot holes that need to be filled and that long wait for an explanation on how I wrote off the "two unpleasant guests" should be acknowledged as well. In the rewrite, I will be giving you that explanation while also changing what happened to them as well.

I am so sorry for the wait and for those who enjoyed what I had so far. Hopefully, the rewriting will make up for it. The title will not change but the book will have the rewritten part shown on the title and in the description as well. If you wish to know when it is out, I hope to have the first chapter published by next week from now or somewhere around it at the latest.

Thank you all for your patience and I do apologize for all of this.

Sincerely yours,
The Writer

His Tears, Her Demons (Slow Updates and Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon