Chapter Eighteen: "Don't Worry, Love"

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It was already noon when I finally left the kitchen." That eccentric strange man.", I wondered," Why was he so familiar?". It wasn't just the look of him that seemed familiar, but his scent. I couldn't tell if it was perfume, body odor, or something else; something I could not see physically...

I paced into the halls, searching for Alucard. But as I searched the halls, something felt...different. I felt much stronger and more aware of my surroundings. I began to see things in a different light, literally speaking I mean.

When I entered the main hall, I was surprised to see no one there. When I heard some children laughing from outside(somehow), I became curious. With the realization, I noticed it was children laughing which made me further realize that some part of me has woken up. The question was: What was it that did?

I opened the door slightly and saw a group of children looking up at something, even one of them pointed up and said " Look up there!" to the other children. I raised an eyebrow wondering what it was. Their elated curiosity changed to a surprised one almost immediately. I opened the door wider as I stepped outside to see what it was. But the answer already came before I could take a single step down the stairs.

Alucard was the one they were in such awe of. He was currently hovering over them after falling from what I can only imagine was a very high window or ledge. He calmly told the children," Boo.". They were silent for a moment before laughing and then running off to play some more. I smiled at the sight, seeing children run so happy and carefree.

The brunette woman from before who I now know as Greta approached him. I kept silent as I left the steps, unintentionally listening to the two.

" That was nice of you.", she started, catching his attention. He seemed surprised to see her.

He then turned away as he said," I didn't realize anyone was watching."

" I was waiting for you.", she said looking at the children. I could only assume he was too.

" Imagine my surprise when you dropped out of the sky and frightened the year's growth out of the little bastards.", she added. I would have been frightened too.

" Sorry...", he almost whispered.

She then put her hand on her hips and faced him directly." No, really.", she said in a seemingly kind tone," It was nice of you.". She then turned back to the children, at that time I was at the bottom of the stairs." They don't all have an adult who pays any attention to them.", she added. Two little girls passed them, holding hands and laughing together. One had dark hair and wore pink while the other was a redhead dressed in blue. I wondered if those two have their parents still, or at least one of them. But it was also possible that neither of them did. I pitied the children here for living in a brutal and selfish time like this. I could only hope that their innocence would not be tainted so soon as mine was as a child.

" Let alone plummet down on them like Death from above, I suppose.", Alucard said.

I saw Greta smile as she said," You gave them a story they will tell forever. I heard them laughing.".

A breeze then began to blow as I watched other children pass by me, laughing as well. A couple stopped in front of me, they looked as though they did not know what to think of me. One was dark and wore a light green and yellow dress with her hair set into two small buns. The other child was a bit shorter than the girl, a boy who had short messy brown hair and dark clothing. I smiled down at their innocence." Hello.", I greeted them with a small, awkward but gentle wave.

" Hello.", the boy greeted back also with a wave.

" You are so pretty.", the girl pointed at me as she said," How come you are so pretty?". I covered my mouth as I laughed a little, unsure of how to answer.

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