Chapter Eight: A Little More than Under the Weather

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Author's Note: Contains attempted rape. If you don't wish to read what it contains, do not read until the next chapter.


Alucard was sitting on the edge of the supposedly sleeping Cristine's bed. The first thing he did when he saw Cristine on the ground last night was rush her back to her bed to be comfortable.

Her skin was much paler and sickly, it hurt her every time she moved her body, sweat was dripping from her skin, her body was getting warmer, she could hardly keep her eyes open; with her long lashes, he could not tell if she was awake or not. He had a cold, damp rag placed on her forehead so she wouldn't be too hot.

He couldn't understand how she became so sick, yesterday she seemed completely healthy. He knew it couldn't have been food poisoning. He created that soup many times before all of this. As far as he knew, no one became sick.

She groaned as she turned her head to the side. Alucard gently brushed the back of his fingers against her cheek to comfort her.

Taka looked through the door's keyhole to see it. Sumi was right beside her, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed." So it worked?", she asked.

Taka turns his head to her and nods.

"Good, if Alucard remains not knowing, she will be gone within two days.", she says then leans forward to properly stand then starts walking to the door to wait for Alucard. Taka got up and followed her close by.

" Is this truly necessary, Sumi?", he asked," What we are doing to her, I mean. After all, so far she didn't keep anything from us, unlike Alucard. She knows very little of this place. Also, she doesn't seem like the type to hurt a fly."

" It is necessary, Taka. We let her live and if we do succeed with what we must do, she'll become suspicious and possibly find a way to end us too if she figured it out.", she told him," Besides, she could be hiding something too. Looks can be deceiving."

Taka raised an eyebrow at her from the statement." What makes you say that she's deceiving us too?", he asked her.

" Think about it: Remember when she said told us about her home being destroyed?", she continued.

" Yes,", he nodded and answered," She said that her windows shattered and a fire began out of nowhere."

" Fire doesn't just start from out of nowhere and glass cannot break on its own.", Sumi continued," She might not even be human, at least not completely."

" I suppose so, at least it will end painlessly for her.", he finished as they entered the main hall. They both waited for Alucard, figuring that he was still with Cristine.

As a whole lot of waiting in silence has passed, they both were growing restless by the passing minute. Taka looked at Sumi, who was sitting against the wall while he stood. He thought this for a while ever since she suggested poisoning Cristine." You honestly don't care do you?", he started.

Sumi looked up at him, oblivious to what he meant." Don't care about what?", she asked.

" About what you did to her.", he explained," You seemed very intrigued by her when we met her, wanting to spend time with her and all. Yet you are the one to poison her. You even seemed careless when you suggested it."

" I do care, I care that she would not have to end in a gruesome way.", Sumi said in a flat tone. Taka's eyes widened in surprise from she explained it so casually. He didn't mind Alucard, but he saw Cristine as a truly innocent soul. For all he knew, she was practically just another student to Alucard. Not by combat, but through knowledge.

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