"Do give it a thought? We wouldn't pressure you, in taking any decision now. I know it's a big step so think with an open mind considering your present and future." He speaks discreetly.

Then sliding a brown envelope on the coffe table infront of me. I eye that piece of paper with a perplexed expression, kept on the brown surface.

Allegedly, sensing my befuddlement, dad says,"It has the picture of Rishi. In case you you want to see him, to get better understanding of the situation."

Okay, I get it they didn't have in view to pressure me but out of blue they say me to meet him and then changing it to give it a thought and the next moment they slid the picture of that man infront of me. Levels of hypocrisy is shining in my parent today.

I nod at them, passing them a clipped smile,"Good night."

Taking the envelope, in my fisted hand, I make my way upstairs.

"All the best sissy." Shivam stands leaning midway of the stair case, his tall lean body towering over me.

He passes me a smug look. Sometimes, no not sometimes every time this sibling of a hilarious man stands infront of me my all patience just blast out. At this point, I just want to throw him in Mariana trench with the satisfaction of seeing him being grilled as the water creatures feast.

"Move away." I grit out.

He lifts himself from the leaned posture, giving me the passage to move, casually adding,"Sure lady."

my lady.

I shake the emitting voice at the back of my head.

Suddenly everything feels heavy. And that heaviness as though is glued on your shoulder. How much you shake yourself or try to divert the origins of your thought it has to come, gushing down repeating the same cycle, where the dipression mixing with overthinking and birthing anxiety.

I bolted the door, keeping the envelope on my study table. Then launching myself on the bed. Closing eyes, to let the sleep come over, but I guess it ditched me.

After few toss and turns, when the sleep still not visited me, I slid the drawer of my side table. Streching my hands to fish out the box, Reyansh gifted me. Opening the small yet classy boxs lid, I let my curiousity dwell in.

A necklace. It had a small dainty figure of a bird.

At this I instinctively rise up and moved towards the mirror.

Taking the shiny chain, I hook it up against my neck, the bird locket falling right at the middle, blooming thrills of excitement and amusement for his sense of choice. For a man, he sure keeps a tab on trends of female delightment.

Not bothering to take it out, I search for my phone. Which lies near the brown creased envelope carelessly. Don't know why but just the image of the khaki envelope, and my thoughts tend to put me in panic. Knowing how much of this situation can get serious and the more I delay the more I would be giving my parents to build a strong grip on the thin line of hope, they are holding.

Nibbling on my lower lips, I contemplated on either calling him or messaging him. Or rather thanking him in persons. I have this feeling, that I am acting worse than a teenage hormonal hiked girl. It's only 12am, it wouldn't bother him if I call. But he will then have the precise of me as the desperate one. Its better to message. But the real question comes.


Should I ask him about his dinner or directly thank him for the necklace or just text a good night.

And then add a good date night.

The date was really something that I want to relive again and again. My mind gave ideas on ideas but hardly any fitted in the situation. So I just choose a simple good night, with a moon emoji.

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