Chapter - 21

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She was such a fool. What else could she call herself? How many more times was she going to make the same mistake? Men couldn't be trusted. Period. It didn't matter even if they were the best of the species. Riky sat on her bed with a box of tissues before her. In a long time, such a long time she had finally felt connected to a man. Hiten had been a mistake. An immature childish act. She had thought she had been in love. When in actuality all it had been was a crush. Maybe not even that. And Rohan had been indulgence. She was successful at what she was doing, she had found her lost confidence and so Rohan had happened. Come to think of it, she hadn't loved Rohan either. Had they broken up amicably she wouldn't have held any grudges. But they hadn't. She had felt Hiten happening all over again. And she hadn't been able to get over it. The cruel words, the disregard for her person, was what had hurt her the most. Besides her best friend had been involved as well. She had had a role to play too. The combined effect was what had broken her. But Tilak....he had restored her belief just to break it. Nothing could be more cruel than that.

Riky sniffled as she blew her nose. Why was she crying? Over him? He didn't deserve her tears. He wasn't worth it. She would never have fallen in love with him. Never. He was the worst of them all. And Riky felt more tears squeeze through her eyes. This was so unfair. Finally, when she had realized that here was a man she could be happy with, a man who valued her so much so he had come looking for her, her chance at happiness had slipped out of her fingers. It was not fair. She was angry suddenly.

Did it matter who he was? Rohan was Tilak's first cousin, so what. They were as different from each other as day and night. Their thoughts, their actions, their reactions...everything. How she felt about Tilak didn't even come remotely close to how she had felt about Rohan or Hiten for that matter. She wanted to be with Tilak. Talk to him. Spend time with him. Fall in love with him. She had never wanted to do any of that with Rohan. And Hiten was way back in the past. She didn't even remember if he had ever had any fine qualities. He had been all sham and pretense and she had fallen for that. But she had been too young and inexperienced then. She wasn't now. She was a grown woman and she knew what she wanted. So why was she letting it slip out of her fingers. If Tilak hadn't told her about Rohan, she hadn't told him about her disastrous first marriage either. Granted she had told him first, but he could have decided to not have anything to do with her after that. Instead he had been angry on her account. She had seen it in his eyes last night. She had seen the understanding. He hadn't condemned her. He hadn't judged her. He had comforted her instead. Didn't that say a lot about the man? He couldn't have pretended any of that. It wasn't possible. No one was that perfect. He had been mad at Rohan too. For hurting her. He called her princess. He made her smile. Laugh. He made her happy. The time she had spent with him had been the most wonderful time she had spent in ages. He was an honest man. She had seen the guilt on his face even before. Maybe he had wanted to tell her about it but wasn't sure of her reaction and had refrained. He had helped her, saved her life, shouldn't she at least give him the benefit of doubt. She knew that had he told her of his identity before, she might not even have considered talking to him let alone spending time with him or getting to know him. She had to be honest about her feelings too. Maybe he had known it as well. She had been called a fool one too many times she wasn't going to give a chance to someone to say that to her again. No one had the right to make her unhappy not even destiny. She won't make a mistake this time. She had trusted her instincts and she wanted to give them another chance.

She was Sagarika Singhania. She wasn't your average girl who would bow down and be miserable all her life. She will find her own happiness. And dare anyone try to take it away from her. Her brother Aarav was right, it was better to kick life first to let it know who was the boss. She wiped off any extra tears from her face and looked at the clock on the side table. And at the beautiful globe Tilak had given her. It reminded her of why she what she was doing was right. And she smiled. It was almost three thirty. And the wedding was to start at five. She had promised herself she would attend it and make others feel a taste of their own medicine. But now she had a better reason. She will attend it to make sure Mr. Tilak Gandhi understood a few things. He had after all said he had fallen for her the first time he had seen her picture. He better stick to that statement of his. Or she will have his head on the platter. She smiled at that thought.

And with her decision firmly in place she went ahead and got ready.


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