Chapter - 20

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The breakfast was a silent affair.

Riky had fallen asleep while Tilak had still held her. She had been exhausted. She hadn't even realized when her eyes had drifted shut. All she remembered was that she had felt good after unburdening her load that she had felt free. Relaxed. Light. And she had woken up in his bed with the same feeling. His robe still tied around her. Where had he slept? And she had found her answer to that when she had peeped into the small sitting room. He had dozed off on the small couch. He wasn't a very tall man but he wasn't very short either. It must have been uncomfortable. She had gone back and changed into the dress she had been wearing the previous day. Her clutch was still inside her dress coat. She had tied her hair in a loose ponytail. A touch of lip gloss and kohl to her eyes had made her look better. She felt good. Last evening's events already forgotten. She hadn't realized but suddenly there were no bitter feelings left. And she was sure even if someone did remind her of them, she might feel the pinch but the rage she had been in yesterday, she wouldn't go into the same mode again. It seemed as if she had taken a giant step towards normalcy and it felt great. When she had opened the door and walked out, Tilak had already woken up. And after wishing her a polite good morning had gone inside the room to take a shower and change. She had waited. Though her mind had been occupied with discerning a strange feeling. He hadn't looked at her when he had wished her. Why was that? When he had emerged he had seemed more in control of himself. He had smiled and asked her for breakfast. While she had nodded her assent she had noticed the wariness in his eyes. He couldn't be regretting what he had said to her last night was he? He wasn't rethinking his words and actions? It had dampened her mood, somewhat but she had refused to give in to her doubts and worries. He will tell her. And she would wait.

As they sipped their coffee, Riky realized she was done waiting. He had that brooding unreadable expression on his face. He hadn't spoken much to her at all. He seemed thoughtful. And she wanted to know what it was he was thinking so deeply about.

"Are you regretting meeting me?" she asked suddenly.

The surprise she saw in his eyes told her, that was definitely not what he was thinking. She let out a relieved breath at that. Because frankly, had that been the case she didn't know what she would have done.

"What are you talking about Riky?" he asked in the same surprised tone. "I am glad I met you, you cannot doubt that, ever," he told her seriously.

"Then what are you thinking about so earnestly," she asked impatiently, "since the second I walked out of your room you have been giving me the silent treatment. Did I say something I shouldn't have? Did I do something wrong? Are you upset over how twisted my past is?" she said with a frown.

"Riky you are thinking all wrong," he said shaking his head.

"Then what is it?" she asked exasperated, "You know I didn't point out but I have seen this strange shadow come over your face at times," she said more evenly now, "as if you have some kind of guilt you are dealing with, and I wanted to give you space, you know not get into your personal life but...I have a feeling as if it has something to do with me," she said then sighing she placed her hand on his over the table, "Tilak, if it is something that is bothering you, you can tell me, we are friends," she said with a smile, "at least I think so, especially after all I dumped on you last evening," she told him encouragingly.

Tilak looked at her. She was an observant girl. So it wasn't surprising she had sensed something was wrong with him. Or that he had been feeling guilty. She was smart to figure out it was something to do with her. After she had gone off to sleep last night and he had carried her to the bed. He had sat there with her till the wee hours of the morning. Watching her. She was so amazing. So strong. A lot of people would have crumpled beneath what she had endured on the emotional front. A failed marriage at the age of twenty one wasn't something people got over. She had. At least she had tried building a life for herself. And then some selfish idiot who couldn't value her for who she was made a dent in her new found confidence. Her own best friend betrayed her with her boyfriend. It couldn't get worse than that. And still she had smiled. And laughed. She had been a different person yesterday. Before she had gone to that party. She had told him everything about her. And she had tried to be brave about it. He didn't know what he would have done had he been in her position. Frankly, he would never have trusted another girl had he been betrayed the way she had been. She was precious. Oh, he had been arrogant before about his feelings for her, but after being with her, getting to know her, he was starting to feel fortunate that he knew someone like her. That she trusted him. The innocence with which she slept in his bed, in his room said a lot about the faith she had in him. That he wouldn't take advantage of her. And he had felt humbled. And he had decided in that moment that he wouldn't keep her in the dark anymore. That he would tell her the truth about himself. Then accept whatever decision she would make. It would set him straight for keeping his identity from her if she decided to never have anything to do with him. Somewhere he knew he might not be able to accept that decision from her. He had been besotted with her when he had seen her for the first time, intrigued when he had actually met her and charmed when he had spent time with her. He was attracted to her since the beginning of that he had no doubt. Only, he had fallen in love with her. And that was where his problem lay. He was head over heels in love with her. The feeling had been there since the start. It had only become deeper now. He couldn't accept her breaking off from him. But he wouldn't know her answer till he didn't disclose the truth and the reasons as to why he had withheld the information from her.

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