Chapter - 5

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This couldn't be happening. Not to her. Riky stood outside the airport in the freezing temperatures, with knee high snow piled up on the sides of the road and not a single taxi in sight. Why hadn't she booked a rental car? Because she was used to only driving right wheel. Damn. And why hadn't she booked a pickup from the hotel? The thought hadn't crossed her mind when she was arranging her stay and travel. Double damn. What was she going to do now? It was well past midnight. And she was so tired. Not to mention hungry and cold. Of course she was wearing a sweater, and an overcoat with a woolen scarf and gloves but they were proving to be a futile barrier against the chill surrounding her. She could feel the shivers going up and down her spine. There were passengers coming and going. Chicago was one of the busiest airports in the world. But most of them either had someone to drop them or pick them. She looked around and her gaze got hooked onto the trees decorated with Christmas lights and wreaths and bright red bows. Even the lamp posts were decorated. What a beautiful winter night. It was the time when one could snuggle up under warm blankets with a hot cup of cocoa and read a book, or watch a nice movie, or sit next to a crackling fire in the fireplace and share stories with loved ones.

What was she doing here? Miles away from home. She could have spent the holidays with her family, they had wanted her to, but she had refused. Or she could have spent them with her friends back in London. At least the ones who weren't vacationing elsewhere. She had planned a vacation too. To Cayman island. The beautiful beaches away from all the winter cold and snow. But that had been before...before Rohan had broken her trust. And her heart along with it. She felt a numb pain wrap itself around her heart. And she drew in a long cold breath of air all the way to her lungs. She was brought out of her musings as she saw a car slowly draw up and come to a stop before her. Was it a taxi? It didn't seem so. It was an SUV. And as the window rolled down she found a familiar smiling face appear.

"You," she said a bit loudly, "again," she said bitingly.

"No luck with the cab," he said summing up her situation for her, "need a lift," he offered.

"Thanks, but I would rather wait for a cab," she replied a bit tartly. Why did she keep bumping into him? More so, why did she keep snubbing at him like that? It wasn't right. She could have politely declined.

"It is cold and there is no guarantee when you would get a taxi or if you would get a taxi," he told her with a serious face now, "I really am harmless," he told her again.

Did he read her thoughts correctly? Maybe. Riky heard the seriousness in his voice along with genuine care. How could he care for her when he didn't even know her? Maybe he was the caring, helpful types, came the reply. There were no such types, Riky reminded herself coldly. Exceptions were there and she knew a couple of such men but beyond that she had yet to see more evidence of those particular traits in the species. Coming to the man before her, she didn't trust him. She didn't trust any man anymore, especially if he was not a family member. Though grudgingly she had to admit that he was right. She couldn't indefinitely wait for a cab to appear and it was pretty cold not to mention late. She hated to admit it, but it was the truth. Could she take the risk? Could she trust him to take her safely to her hotel? Since when had she stopped taking risks? And the question made her frown slightly. She sighed.

"Are you sure it won't be a bother," she said reluctantly. Tiredly. It was just a lift. Maybe she was thinking too much. And even if he did try to act funny she would bash him up with the thick book she had been reading before. It was there in the bag. Not much of a defense but something was better than nothing.

Tilak didn't reply. Instead he got out of the car and came to her side. Then opened the door for her so she could sit in the passenger seat. Once she sat down and closed the door he picked up her luggage and placed it on the back seat. Then walked back to the driver's side and got in.

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