college || ford pines.

613 12 2

fem reader.

Here I was, standing in front of the school with my luggage in one hand and my keys in the other. In all honesty BMU wasn't a school I had originally planned on going to; Sadly, it's all my family and I could afford when I had officially decided I was ready for further schooling. It couldn't be that bad, right?
I was shown my dorm room and was met with my roommate shortly after. She was quite the person, very snippy and obviously didn't like the idea of having to share a room with 'Someone like that'; The that was me. Trying to talk to her was like talking to a wall, even that seemed to be better than speaking with someone who clearly wanted someone else to bunk with.

"I'm going to my friends room." She tells me, I open my mouth to speak only to be cut off by the door slamming shut.

"Wow, okay.." I mumble to myself as I slipped on my shoes. The orientation was starting soon and I wanted to get a seat- preferably one where I can quickly get out and back to my room once it was over.
    While I was walking to the orientation room I was looking at the scenery of the school. The inside isn't much but the outdoors aspect of it is beautiful, I'll probably spend most of my time there or in the library. I made my way inside and quickly to a seat, seeing the room hit me like a ton of bricks; I'm actually here, at this school, and not at my home town or at the school little me wanted. I can't complain, this is a chance I couldn't give up so I had to deal. So, I sat down, placed my tote bag beside my seat and patiently waited for it to begin.
    The orientation was as good as I thought it would be. We we're all given a paper that discussed what the school was about, I had planned to throw it away once I walked by a trash bin. I was quickly trying to get back to my room when I accidentally walked right into a corner. My tote bag fell to the floor as I hissed out in pain and rubbed my arm.

"Damn it.. I hope that doesn't bruise." I say, checking out my shoulder that was already beginning to become a shade of red. I guess while I was looking at my hurt shoulder, someone had picked up my bag and was now holding it out to me.

"Excuse me, I suppose this belongs to you?" The brunette says, I look up at him and try my best to fix my face.

"Yes, thank you. It must have fell off my shoulder when I almost broke it off a second ago." I chuckle, it coming out more of a bitter sound rather than the light-hearted one I had wanted. The man gave me a small side smile and put his hand out for me to shake.

"Stanford Pines, Ford for short." He said, I smiled and shook his hand.

"Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you, Ford." The smile that was once invisible had grown. Maybe this school actually did have good parts and people.

"How bad is it?" He asks, at first I was confused but then quickly remembered what had happened.

"My shoulder? Ah, it'll heal. I should have been more careful." I say, smiling off the concern.

"We're you the one that left orientation first?" He asks again. Man, he noticed that?

"You saw that?," I laughed, embarrassed. "Yeah, I wanted to finish getting my stuff unpacked."

"I can help if you'd like." He says, I stare at him for a moment.

"How do I know you're not a creep?" I ask, his face contorts from shocked to apologetic.

"My apologies, I did not mean to give that impression. I know how it feels when you're not comfortable." He starts to ramble, making me smile.

"Ford, I'm joking. You're as far from creepy as Neptune is from the Sun." I say, he sighs in relief and smiles with me.

    We went back to my room after that. Ford helped me put posters and photos up on my side of the wall. We had talked about our family and what we we're in school for; Ford had told me the reason he was currently going to this school.

"I didn't want to come here but it's all I could afford." I say as I was putting away the last of my clothes.

"I understand how that feels, it's incredibly disappointing," He says and walks to stand beside me. "Would you like help?"

"No, I'm just about finished!" I smile and turn to look at him. "Thank you for the help, you're amazing."

    I walk over to my bag and begin to take out books to put them on my shelf Ford had helped put up. He awkwardly stood beside me and fidgeted with his hands, staying silent. Maybe I should talk.

"Thank you, for helping me today. I appreciate it." I smile at him, he gives me an awkward smile and nods.

"No problem, it's nice to meet someone who seems kind." He says, I nodded and turned to look at him.

"Would you want to get coffee tomorrow? Before class." I say, the once awkward smile turned genuine.

"I'd love to, seven?" He asks and I nod at him.

"See you then; Goodbye Y/n." He says as he turns to walk out of the dorm.

    I'm glad I had met him, the first good soul in a school that seemed dry. Ford seemed to be someone that I could get along and eventually become close with. Maybe this school wasn't so bad after all. All I have to do now is get through these next few years; Hopefully with Ford as a good friend.

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