years go on || pines family.

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     It's been about 8 years since I've met and last seen the brunette haired Pines twins and their Great uncles. We were all three really close when they spent the summer here in Gravity Falls, we we're almost always together, we did almost everything together that summer. It was definitely a feeling I miss and haven't had in a long, long time. I was close with that entire family and not having seen them in years has been hard.
     I'm 20 now, the twins are as well, keeping contact was never that difficult with us three. We talked almost daily after they had left, sending texts and the occasional handwritten letters. Without a doubt that was the most fun summer of my life, ignoring the whole.. fiasco that happened. They were the closest to best friends I've ever really had, and it's stayed that way for the years after.

     Recently I got an email from Stan and Ford, saying that they'll be coming back to Gravity Falls this summer for a visit. Then, soon after that I got a text in the group chat I have with Dipper and Mabel, saying they'll be doing the same. I can't even explain how excited I was when I had read those messages, immediately yelling and telling my partner about the news. The happiness could be felt radiating off of my skin that day, I had a feeling I would feel that way again when I saw them all together again.


It was the morning of their arrival, I was pacing back and forth in me and my partners shared bedroom. I didn't even realize when they walked and were staring at me, nervously moving everywhere around the small room, whispering things under my breath.

"What's gotcha so nervous, love?" They ask, my head snapped towards the entrance they were standing in. I sighed and sat down onto the bed, them following in my footsteps and sitting beside me.

"I haven't seen them in so long, what if it doesn't feel the same?" I say, that's always what I've been afraid of, losing that spark of friendship that I so desperately wanted to keep forever.

"I'm sure it will, you guys were so close and are still so, so, close. I don't think a little distance could ever change the bond you and that family have." They say, taking my hand. I smiled and fixed my hand to where they were intertwined.

"I really hope so," I say, sighing deeply. "I have a few minutes until I have to leave, I let them all have their own time to unpack and everything.. I'm just so nervous to actually go."

"I'm sure they're just as nervous, you guys haven't physically seen each other in almost a decade? I'm sure once you're all together everything will click back into place, like how it was." They say, bringing my hand up and placing a soft kiss on the top of it.

I jumped at the sound of my alarm going off, audibly cursing myself for forgetting I had it set. Taking a breath in and exhaling it out, I stood up and placed a kiss onto their forehead.

"I'll be back later, lovely. Thank you." I say, they shoot a wink along with finger guns at me as I walked out.

This was the day I've been so anxiously waiting for.


Stepping out of my car, that mixture of nervousness and excitement welled up in my stomach. I sighed it away and slowly walked up to the door, placing three knocks onto it, hearing the echo of it against my hand.

"I'll get it!" A somewhat deep and masculine voice says, I furrow my eyebrows. Was that really Dipper?

The door gently opened, showing a much more matured and tall Dipper Pines. A similar maturity yet just a little taller Mabel Pines could be seen behind him.

"Holy crap!" He says, smiling as he quickly pulled me inside and into a hug. This got the attention of the others, Mabel excitedly running and joining the hug. I laughed as I opened my eyes to see Stan and Ford watching us. Gently letting them go, I happily and quickly walked over to them and gave them both hugs.

"I missed you guys so much." I say, feeling the familiar feeling of home just by being around them all.

"We missed ya too, kiddo." Stan says, ruffling my hair.

"What should we do first??" Mabel says, I shrug and look back at Dipper.

"Why don't we watch a movie and catch up?" Dipper says, we all agree and made our way to the living room.

During the long conversations of what we've been up to, partners, work, and life overall, I had the chance to study the way they all looked now. We all grew up and the differences were there.
Dipper had an, almost, beard going on, his brown hair was cut to the lobe of his ear. The dark blue button up flannel, the sleeves pulled and folded just to his elbow, it was layered over a white shirt, the beige pants and converse pulled it together. It definitely screamed Dipper. The older Dipper, that is.
Mabel had long hair, reaching down to the lower part of her back with bangs. It was topped with a knitted olive colored head wrap that was covered in tiny white and beige flowers. Her faded pink dress was knee length with thin, short sleeves. Her black flats and white ankle length socks brought me back to when we were kids.
Stan's hair was grey and unkempt, It fit with the loose fitting, light blue polo shirt he had on. It was layered under a brown jacket. The white pants and loafers made him look like a real sailor. His silver watch was placed on his right wrist, looking old, yet kept intact. He seemed so much more comfortable and happy.
Ford's hair was long, it looked as if he kept it trimmed up. He was wearing a faded, dark red shirt, the sleeves only going to his elbows. It was tucked into a pair of dark grey jeans. He had on a black pair of boots that looked worn out and used. I could see the strap to his bag lying neatly over his chest. The same Ford as always.

While we had our physical differences, I could see the similarities to the younger versions of ourselves still buried no-so-deep into us. Dippers beat up vans, Mabels hobby of knitting, Stans watch, and Fords bag. Their color schemes hadn't changed and neither had they. They were still the same loving Pines family I met all those years ago. I hope it never changes.

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