"Luke Hemmings you are the cheater! You have legs the size of me!" She shouted and ran after the bucket immediately flinging one toward me. Luckily her aim was bad so it popped on the side of my foot but I had another balloon in my hand . I sprinted toward her causing her to grab a balloon and run , I threw it and sure enough it hit her on her back .

"You're in for it Luke ," she smiled wide and threw the balloon , it barely hit my knee and slightly popped most of the water on the floor than my knee.

"Diana , I'm going to say right now that I only had 6 balloons in there ." I smirked and ran after the bucket which we were a slight distance away from. Diana ran as fast as she could but she wasn't fast enough and I got to the last balloon first.

"Diana any last words?" I smirked and held the balloon firmly in my hand.

"Nope , just hit me already Luke." She squeezed her eyes shut and I threw the balloon happily at her , but it bounced off . So we both lost , I was hit twice and so was she , two balloons failed .

"OH MY GOSH YES !" She smiled running around the grass . Diana looked gorgeously breathtaking , I would rather see her face everyday than the more beautiful woman's face.

Diana and I walked hand in hand as we slowly made our way to this spot in the woods , there was a lake just beyond the many trees. We were going to sit on a big rock near the lake and watch the sunset . It was getting later into the day , but it didn't mean it was over.

We sat down on the rock and began to watch the sunset , the sky was full of orange and pink colors . It was cool , I hadn't watched a sunset like this in a while . Diana and I just stood quiet taking in the beauty of the sunset , but truth is I was far more interested in her beauty .

"Luke , I'd just like to say that this is a dream come true .. Thank you." Diana leaned into me and I held onto her pulling her a bit closer to me.

"A dream come true? For watching the sunset ?" I was a little confused but at the same time I knew what she was saying.

"No , for this ... I mean I'm here hugging on Luke Hemmings . Every fan girls' dream! My dream! And , I never imagined myself to be here . I'm so grateful for you guys running after me that night . I couldn't thank you enough . I'm happy , really happy ... And I'm safe . It all means so much. And I'm in freaking Australia !" She smiled so big and it looked like she got a little teary eyed . I grabbed her and held her close to me in a tight hug.

"Diana Rose , you deserve all of this and I myself am happy that we decided to run after you. I'm happy we didn't give up on chasing you." I hugged her tighter , in the moment I felt bubbly and happy . I am happy , Diana makes me happy .

"Where is our next stop?" She broke apart from our hugging and with that I jumped off of the rock and held out a hand for her .

"Right this way my lady." I smiled and she gladly took my hand and we made our way to my friend's house.

As if it were no better timing , my friend had went out of town for a few days . He happens to own a swimming pool so Diana and I were going to take the car I had left in the parking lot of the trail for the woods we were in. We found the car soon and I immediately felt relieved , no more walking around every where .

"What stations are good?" Diana asked trying to find some music to put on.

"Hm , I actually think I have a CD in there. We can listen to that.." I looked at her questionably .

"Sounds good to me ," Diana smiled and I pressed the button.

We drove to my friend's house , Green Day was playing on the radio . We talked and she was being so cute , a stop sign came near and I couldn't help but lean over and give her a kiss.

*((ringtone starts going off))*
"Hello?" Diana spoke to someone else on the phone .

"Yes , Adam... . No no no .... Of course I understand . See you in a bit then." She continued talking , I listened to her and wondered what Adam wanted .

"Luke I'm sorry , but can we go back to Adam's place .. I'm supposed to get ready for some family dinner ." She seemed sad and looked out the window avoiding to look at me . I pulled over to the side .
"What's wrong? Aren't you excited to meet Adam's family?" I asked her , she looked scared now.
"I'm just scared , I have anxiety and I'm nervous what if they don't like me and Adam won't adopt me because they don't ."

"Diana you're a lovely girl , strong , beautiful and funny , a big dork .. A cute one though . And you're a great person in general , very nice and forgiving . They will love you. " I held her hand reassuring of how great she is.

"Thank you , Luke . Made me feel somewhat better." She leaned and kissed me , I deepened it and pulled her a bit closer .

"Luke , I'd love to continue but we have to go." She laughed pulling back but not before I could give her one last quick kiss.

"Can we continue it later then? When you come back?" I asked really excitedly , the last part of mine and Diana's date was supposed to be full of cute long kisses and swimming .

"Of course ," she smiled and with that we headed back to Adam's house.


Do you guys notice my long way home references ???? Because if you didn't I will cry for you .

Hope you guys liked this a bit???

Chapter 35 is going to be Diana's dinner with Adam and his family.

Next chapter is Michael & Nikki , Ashton & Diana talking , and Calum & Food

Question for did chapter :
What race are you guys ? I want to see how different my readers are so comment on this line !(:
I'm Hispanic :-)

I may or may not update later in the upcoming week :)!!!

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