Nothing Like A Nice Bike Ride

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Mumbo's Perspective-

Weeks went by.

Months even.

But Mumbo never stopped his morning bike rides.

He loved them.

It helped him get outside, get some fresh air.

It even helped him get his head on straight with Grian.

We were just meant to be friends.

Mumbo had no idea that Grian and Scar broke up.

He never knew.

He just kept living.

And biking.

And building.

He enjoyed making Grumbot and keeping Grian updated with it.

And he made it to all county! If he won this, he would make it to state!

"It's incredible!" He told Oli and Pix when they were hanging out in Oli's room, "I can't believe I made it this far."

"And that was Grian's design, right?" Oli asked.
Mumbo nodded, "Yep. All Birdie."

Pix smiled, "It's cute how you call him that."

"Ooo, Oli you might wanna be taking notes. Your boyfriend likes pet names."

Oli and Pix both turned red.

"Shut up!" Oli shouted, throwing a pillow at Mumbo.

Mumbo laughed as he dodged the pillow and threw it back at Oli.

"I'm glad you two are finally together. It got annoying seeing how oblivious you two are."

Oli rolled his eyes, but Pix chuckled.

"Thanks, Mumbo." Pix said.


"We just gotta get you and Grian together." Oli said.

Mumbo laughed, "Yeah right, that's not gonna happen. Like I said, we're meant to be friends."

Oli shrugged, "It's weird how these things work out."

"Besides," Mumbo said, "We'll probably never see each other again. It was weird enough that we bumped into each other once, it won't happen again."

Pix shrugged, "Eh, it might."

"I don't think it will." Mumbo said, "Because that would be one heck of a coincidence if it happened again."

"The world works in mysterious ways." Oli said.

"I still think you guys are crazy." Mumbo said, folding his arms.

Pix and Oli shrugged, and they started talking about other things.

Grian's Perspective-

"Hey Grian? I need to talk to you for a sec."

Grian took off his headphones and looked up.

He paused the musical he was listening to (Hamilton) and got up.

"Everything okay?" He asked his mother as he followed her down to her office.

"Yeah! I just- your father found something today and we wanted to talk to you about it."

Grian raised an eyebrow as they walked into her office.

"It's the original cast and we can afford the tickets for the three of us. Your father and I are okay with going up there for the weekend because we know how much you like it." Grian's mother said, stepping aside to see what was on her computer.

He let out a squeal of joy and said, "YES, YES, YES!!! I'd love to go!!!"

His mother laughed and said, "Great! The only thing is, you'll be sitting next to two strangers. Would you be okay with- "

"It's the original cast!! I don't care!"

Grian's mother smiled and laughed.

"Good, good, then we'll get tickets!"

"When is it?"

"Three weeks."

"Three weeks?!" Grian whined.

His mother and father both laughed.

"You can do it." His father said, "It's not that far away."

"Yeah but now I'm excited!!!"

Grian walked back up to his room and started texting Tango, Jimmy, and Scar.

They weren't as excited as Grian was, but they were all happy since he was happy.

Grian was smiling from ear to ear.

Little did he know,

He would get something more than just his favorite musical.

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