Together Forever

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Yes, I know this is a Gumbo fanfic and yes, I do also know that this is a Scarian fluff chapter. Trust me, I know what I'm doing (mostly). I'm not doing Grumbo, it's just Gumbo with a bit of Scarian. It'll all work out in the end with only Gumbo. But yes, this chapter is full of Scarian fluff.


Grian's Perspective-

One Week Later-

Grian woke up from his phone ringing.

Grian groaned as he grabbed his phone.

"WHAT?" He asked rudely, not even bothering to check who was calling him.

"Sorry G, did I wake you?"

Grian sat up and rubbed his eyes, "Who is this?"

He heard the person on the other line laugh, "It's your boyfriend, Scar."

"Oh!" Grian said, feeling his face heat up, "What's up?"

"Well, my family was going ice skating and I was wondering if you wanted to come."

"Yeah, I don't think I'm doing anything today, so I can come. What time?"

"Just walk to my place at one."

"Cool. I'll tell my parents and get ready."

"Alright, see you then!" Scar said cheerfully.

"Bye." Grian hung up.

He checked the clock and saw that it was 11:45.

Well, I guess I should get some food before I leave.

Grian walked downstairs and saw his mother typing on her computer.

"You're still working?" Grian asked, getting some food.

His mother nodded, "Yeah. How'd you sleep? I thought you'd be up there for the whole day."

Grian shrugged, "Scar invited me to ice skating at one."

"Yep, his mother told me," She said, taking her eyes off her screen to smile at her son, "Have fun with your boyfriend. I'll help you get ready before you leave."

"Thanks mom." Grian said, hugging his mother.


"Grian! They're here!" His mother called up.

"Coming!" Grian said, grabbing his mittens and running downstairs.

Grian hopped in the backseat next to Scar and smiled.

"Thanks again, Kristy." Grian's mother thanked Scar's mother.

"Yep!" Kristy smiled, "We should be back around three."

"Alright, bye!" Grian's mother waved, and they drove off.

"Have you gone ice skating before, Grian?" Kristy asked.

"Not much. I'm pretty bad." Grian said, smiling sheepishly.

"That's okay! I'm sure Scar can help you, he's really good at skating." Kristy said.

"I didn't know you skated." Grian said to Scar.

"I don't get lessons or anything like that, but I'm pretty good on the ice. I don't fall much."

When they arrived at the rink, they ordered their skates and Grian was struggling with getting them on.

"How are you supposed to- "

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