The Royal Bad Boy

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This is my thrid story...Others are still GOING ON..

I have so many ideas and just, i need to pour them out.



What if one day at the breakfast table you get a news that the son of a friend of your fathers will be staying in your house. What if he's not just a normal teenager but a to-be Prince?

What if the Prince is nothing like a knight in the shinning armour? But just a bad boy. A bad boy bing sent away from home, his kingdom for what? Reality.

Seems like it's time for the royal highness to charm the people outside his kingdom and it's time for someone to realise every Prince isn't just ready for the throne, some need to grow up in the real world.


Sugesstions for the cast. :)



“NO WAY!” I was in shock when I said that.

Just when I thought after a year of trying to settle into the new school, I didn’t think I spoke too soon. It’s been a year since I moved to New York from India. It took me a year to settle in. Now I’m just one of them. I hang around and go for parties. I’m known to people not because I’m the new ‘Indian’ but because I have a personality and friends.

It was pretty hard for me to fit in at first. I was a new muse in school. Why wouldn’t I be? I was nothing like them, no accent. I was probably more than they saw in Slum Dog Millionaire.

It would have been so much easier if the teacher didn’t have to emphasize on the fact that I need to be welcomed warmly at my first day of school. Just the part when she had mentioned I was Indian was enough to get them to pull the phones out and send everyone a message that there’s someone new at school. I was never bullied but not exactly welcomed as well. Took me a year to fit in, and I couldn’t be happier about it. Just needed some time. But who knew it just doesn’t end here.

“Guess what? YES WAY!” my dad screams back and my mother gets up to calm us both down.

He can’t do this! Inviting his friend’s son to live with us? I mean why? And the fact that he’s coming today is even more shocking.

“At least eat something..” my mom tries to stop me as I pick up my bag and decide to leave.

“I’ll grab something at school” I say as I’m about to walk out. Taking deep breathes, I try to calm myself. I look up at the sky as I wait at the door for my friends to come and pick me up.

“I’m sorry” I hear my father’s voice as he takes a sip of his coffee. I turn the other way put he somehow gets me to turn in his direction. I talk to him about it. Looks like the guy will already be home by the time I will be back from school. I don’t ask my dad about anything but just smile and leave.

“Why are you the angry bird?” I meet the eyes of my best friend. She was probably the first person to talk to me at school. She is also my neighbour. Amanda. I couldn’t be happier to have her as my best friend. There’s a party? She’s in. I just don’t say anything but scroll down the window as I get in.

School was probably not good too. We had a self-awareness workshop. Presentations and discussions all day long!

“Could the day get any worse?” I scream at Amanda when her car breaks when we’re heading home. I go ahead and kick her tires but end up hurting my foot. Jumping up and down I finally land on the grass as it hurts. Taking my show off I see my toe is swollen and throbbing from inside.

“You want ice cream?” she ignorantly says and walks off as I shout after her.

“Yeah of course why not? That’s going to help my toe!”

“It’s going to help your brain!” she laughs before going off. Amanda and I eat ice cream not worrying about going back home.

“Why hasn’t your mother called? You’re like half an hour late!” she jokes as I laugh with her. My mom still thought I was new in the city. And she worries too much!

“HEY! YOU BLOOD-!” I get cut off my Amanda as she pulls me away from the road. What have I done? Why does today have to be so bad? Just a second ago like a good citizen I was going to throw my tissue from the ice cream in the dustbin but no…a speeding car. A gorgeous speeding car, I correct myself, just drove so fast splashing mud all over me. Now that’s terrible.

“I need sleep” I start walking back home with Amanda. No way I could wait longer for the car to get fixed.

“It’s okay. Take a bath and relax” she pats my head as I walk home with her with my head on her shoulder. She is just about to say goodbye and leave when I notice something strange about my house.

“I thought you didn’t belong to the family of Osama!” she jokes as she takes a look around. There are two guards taking waiting by the door and two by the gorgeous sports car which I think is the one who got me all muddy.

“Or you father is making a secret business seal with the underworld!” she whispers in my ear as I whack her arm and she leaves.

So the person came to apologize home? Or maybe daddy was giving me a new sports car and that’s why he made this day so bad so his gift could be even better.

The guards look at me with suspicion as I open the door but they block my way.

“I’m legally in the country!” I joke but they obviously don’t get it. looking at me with greater suspicion they start pushing me away.

“I live here!” I shrug their arms away.

“Haha! So they brought an English speaking maid from India!” they joke as I’m offended.

“Excuse me?”

“She has an accent!” they joke while they take their place by the door. I start banging on it loudly waiting for someone to open it and then I see my mom looking at me all concerned. When she claims that I’m her daughter they apologize and let me in. The look on my face was just opposite to theirs. Giving them a toothy grin I walk inside after my mother questions me and I finally tell her.

“The car outside that did this to me!” she asks me to stay quite but I don’t. I turn around and start walking backwards towards the living area. Only to find myself cut by a cough from my father. I turn on my heels to find him looking at me with a raised eyebrow and behind him I saw people sitting. I guy almost as old as him, but of course fitter. A guy sitting on the chair looking at me while he chewed his chewing gum. Okay doesn’t he know I should be confused as to who he is? And then I found another boy almost the same as the ones who was sitting like a hot male cow. Well, what next for me?










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