Romantic Anniversary Dinner: The Appetizers, Part 2

Start from the beginning

He loves the feeling of his beautiful wife in his arms, and he's always going to be comfortable when he holds his beautiful wife in his arms; and that's why they're currently in the midst of doing this right now, and they're just holding each other close for right now. But even better, he has the ability to look down at the most beautiful woman in the entire world so that he can just admire her; at the same time, he can also give her the comfort that she needs as they both held each other close. Running his hand down Gabby's back, Matt smirked as he turned his head and then kissed her forehead softly once again; after all, that's exactly what she really wants right now. She wants to be held by her husband, and she wants to cuddle up to him. "Are you comfortable?" Looking down at his wife, Matt was a bit shocked that she would even ask her whether he was comfortable; because of course he's comfortable. Why wouldn't he be comfortable, as he holds the most beautiful woman in the entire world in his arms? This is exactly what he was, as he eats a bit.

Going to grab some more of the appetizers, Matt smiled as he went to take a bite; after which, Matt just smiled as he looked down at the gorgeous woman he loves (while also kissing his forehead). "So, what are you thinking about right now as I hold you?" Gabby smiled as she heard Matt ask her that. "Just how the past year has felt like a whirlwind, and everything has just been really good for us; I have no idea how to say this, and I am just still thinking about everything." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as that most definitely was exactly what he wanted too. But at the same time, there was something that he didn't want; and that was her mind going all over the place, as that was the last thing that his beautiful wife's brilliant mind to do. As much as he loves all of the ideas that she comes up with for the company, that doesn't mean that he wants her to think about that right now; and that's why she decided to turn his head and kiss her forehead softly, before running his hand up and down her back. "I want you to relax baby, take it easy."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I promise, I'm breathing and just relaxing; I'm going to keep doing that as long as I need to." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before running his hand up and down her back; after which, he turned his head and just smiled as he kissed her forehead once again. And god, he is so glad that this is what they're doing. "So, what are we going to do after supper?" Gabby smiled as she looked up at Matt, before sitting up and just looking at her husband; after which, she got close to him and then laid down on his chest. Wrapping her arms around Matt's neck, Gabby smirked as she looked at him; at the same time, Matt moved his hands to her neck and took things nice and slow with each other. After all, this is just what they both want to do. "God, we really need to eat; because I want to take you to our room." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, laughing as she proceeded to cuddle up to her man once again. At the same time, he ran his hand up and down Gabby's back.

After which, he smiled as he turned his head and kissed her forehead softly; and that was due to the fact that they are both really enjoying this time that they're having with each other right now, simply because it's their anniversary. But it's not just their anniversary, but it's also their anniversary dinner. And speaking of anniversary dinner, Pascale soon walked over to them once again. "I can see that somebody's getting tired. So, if you guys would like to eat...then I can plate the food and bring it out to you." Gabby smiled as she heard Pascale say that. "I'd love that Pascale." Pascale agreed with Gabby as she said that, before smiling at the both of them; after which, he turned to look at the plates that used to have the appetizers on them. "May I?" Matt agreed with Pascale, before smiling as he bent down to pick up the appetizer plates; after which, Pascale turned around so that he could walk back into the kitchen. At the same time, Matt turned to look at Gabby and kissed her forehead softly. "Move out, and I'll help you out."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, that way he could help her up.


Getting up, Matt smiled as he looked down at his beautiful wife; and god, does she look extremely beautiful. And he's really happy that the two of them are going to just have a nice meal together. They're going to enjoy a nice meal on their anniversary, before going ahead with making their way back to their room; where they will either relax in bed, or they're going to take a bath. He doesn't know yet, but all that matters is that they're going to enjoy some time with each other. And now, that's what they're going to start doing. Grabbing Gabby's hand, Matt smiled as he helped her up and then went to get close to his beautiful wife; at the same time, he moved his hands to her stomach once again. Smirking due to the fact that he was really happy with his gorgeous wife, Matt bent down and then proceeded to kiss her softly; taking things nice and slow with the most beautiful woman in the entire world, Matt smiled due to the fact that this really is everything that they want. But now, they want to go enjoy a nice meal. Walking over to the table, Matt smiled. "I swear, I am so ready to have this nice meal with you." Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that, well aware of that fact.

After which, Matt smiled as he led her right over to the table; he then went to grab her chair and smiled as he turned to look at his beautiful wife, while tugging it out. "So, you ready for this meal?" Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that, before moving to sit down on the chair that Matt just pulled out for her. "I mean, what woman doesn't want to enjoy a meal with her husband; on their wedding anniversary, prepared by a professional chef that we hired?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before watching as she sat down. After which, he pushed the chair in just like he needed to do; after which, Matt walked around the table so that he can sit down in front of his beautiful wife. Just looking at her as they sat down, Matt smirked due to the fact that they are both really happy; after which, he pulled his chair in and just sat at the table as they waited to be served. Sitting down with Gabby, Matt smiled at his beautiful wife before reaching for her hand. Leaning over, Matt smiled as he proceeded to kiss the woman he loves. "Happy anniversary beautiful." Gabby agreed with Matt, smiling as that was most definitely what it was; a happy anniversary

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