Time to Get Comfortable, Relax, and Grieve

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the long delay between chapters, but I had to go have some supper before writing this chapter; plus, I always write better at night. So, I hope you enjoy these chapters; and are ready for some more quality time between Matt and Gabby.

He just finished unpacking the groceries, which meant that he had everything done; all of the tasks that he had to do prior to them making their way back upstairs, and just going to relax together...in their bedroom, probably being very intimate with each other. And that's definitely something that Camila is well aware of, as she looked at her daughter and son-in-law. "So, I can only assume that there's one rule when it comes to where I can go in the house with the boys?" Turning to look at her mom as he said that, Gabby was confused as she didn't know what her mother meant. "What do you mean mom?" Camila smiled at her daughter, as she knew that she was playing dumb. "I think we both know WHERE I'm talking about Gabriela, we all do." Turning to look at Gabby, Matt smirked as he proceeded to kiss her forehead softly, which is something that Gabby most definitely did like, because it was the best feeling in the entire world. The feeling of her loving husband holding her close, as he kissed her forehead softly. "It's not all we're doing." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I know exactly what you mean, because I want you to hold me close as we try and deal with this." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, while her mother just looked at her grieving daughter.

After which, she walked up to her once again so that she could hug her. "I'm sorry once again Gabby." Gabby agreed with her mom as she said that, well aware that was the case. "I know you are mom, and I am just glad that you're going to take care of the boys for us." Camila agreed with her beautiful daughter as she said that, more than ready to do just that for her; especially since it's something that she can't wait to do, spend some quality time with her grandchildren. "Gabby, I know that you need to have some time with your husband, and this is also something that I'm happy to do for my own sake; I mean, what grandmother doesn't want to spend time with her grandchildren?" Gabby laughed as she heard her mom say that, well aware that was the case. "If you need anything...." Camila then proceeded to stop her daughter, as she didn't want her to have to worry about their kids; she's going to take care of them, and she means everything. She doesn't want Gabby to have to worry about anything, other than just recovering from this tragedy that they're still dealing with, which is something that she means from the bottom of her heart, and will always mean. "Gabby, please do not worry about that. You need to go relax, and you need to just spend time with Matt." Camila then turned to look at Matt.

Smiling at her son-in-law, she walked up to him. "Please, make sure that she takes it easy and relaxes; she needs to relax, and you both need to grieve together. And I do not want you to have to feel like you need to come down here and help, because I can always call Ramon if I need help." Gabby bit her lip as she heard her mom say that, a bit nervous. "Mom, you don't have to if..." Camila then proceeded to stop her from talking. "Gabriela, me and your father can behave for the sake of our grandchildren; and you know that, because we just did it a week ago on Thanksgiving...and we're going to do it again on Christmas, because that's a day where you aren't going to get away with staying alone." Gabby laughed as she heard her mom say that, well aware that was the case. "And maybe then, you can take the boys while we celebrate our last New Year's Eve ahead of the girls." Camila smiled as she heard Gabby say that, as she loves that idea. "I think I can." Matt then turned to look at Gabby. "Actually, my mom and Christie are going to be here; and I was thinking of asking her to stay, maybe let her stay at the penthouse if we want to live here." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that. "Maybe we can talk about that when we're in the bedroom?" Matt shook his head. "Today, we're going to concentrate...."

Gabby then looked at her husband, trying to give him the message that he's yet to receive (apparently); and that's when Matt (finally) got said message. And what she was trying to tell him, was that she wanted to talk about things; as a way to distract herself, and just think about anything other than the fact that she just miscarried. "Okay, we can talk about that; I promise Gabby." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, glad that was the case; after all, she knows that Matt's going to do whatever he can to make sure that she feels better. It's something that he's done ever since they learned the news, and she truly feels extremely lucky over the fact that he's her husband; and she just loves him so much, and she's ready to have him to herself. Getting close to Gabby again, Matt smiled as he wrapped his arm around her and then pressed his lips to her forehead. "You ready to go relax in bed with each other?" Looking up at the man she loves, Gabby agreed as she most definitely is ready to go to bed. "See you guys later mom." Camila agreed with her daughter as she said that, well aware that she wants to be alone; at the same time, Gabby proceeded to grab Matt's hand.

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