Taking it Easy ahead of Family Dinner: Cuddling

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Hi Readers: Happy Mother's Day, and welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys enjoyed yesterday's chapters and are ready for more today. And I also hope that you guys liked the new characters that I added to the story, as they are just some of the new characters which I plan on introducing in the future. And let me explain why that's the case. I believe that it's high time that I start to introduce more of the staff and give you a bit of information about them; that way, you already know who they are as people. And you can also have a sense of what type of position they have in the company, and how they are personality wise. Whether they are team players, family people, or whether they are just marriage; amongst other things, and I hope you enjoy those little glimpses into the family lives of people who aren't One Chicago originals. If you guys are okay with that, then I hope you'd let me know. And who knows, maybe you can even give me some names of your favorite TV characters that I can try and add to the story; enjoy readers.

She ended up taking a descent length of a nap, as she cuddled up to the man of her dreams in bed this afternoon-early evening; the wife truly content to just spend some quality time with him in bed, as they held each other close while they relaxed. While they took some time to just be husband and wife, rather than already be parents; not that they aren't parents all the time, as they are. But right now, they are solely husband and wife; and that's due to the fact that Gabby just woke up from her nap, which was quite refreshing. And honestly, it felt like exactly what she needed. She needed to take some time with her husband, and she needed to have a nice sleep with him; which she most certainly did, as she cuddled up to his muscular chest some more (with the hopes of Matt continuing to think that she was asleep). But unfortunately, that didn't end up happening; as Matt soon realized that she was awake, because of how she started to snuggle up to him some more. After all, that's how he realized that she was awake. It's always how he figures it out.

And that's more than okay with Gabby, as it means that she gets to just feel his love right away; she gets to feel how much he loves her, as he runs his hand up and down her body. As he kisses the top of her head, and shows her that he's happy that she just woke up (I mean, what husband wouldn't be happy that she just woke up after a nap). It means that they get a bit of time with each other, before they have to be parents; and they also get a bit of time to just talk, and make sure that Gabby is okay. And heck, maybe she can even get something from her husband; without her having to even ask, which she already is. And just what might that be? Well, that would be a nice massage that she's already getting from the man she loves. Bending down this early evening, Matt smiled as he kissed the top of his beautiful wife's head; after which, he started to stroke her back with his thumb. And that feeling of him stroking her back with his thumb was all Gabby needed to feel content, as it was a way for Matt to give her something like a massage; which was great.

Her back always needs a massage anyways, because of the heavy weight that she's always carrying on her body; a weight that she's more than okay with carrying, simply due to the fact that she wants to have the girls. Yes, that's the weight that she's talking about; the weight that comes with being pregnant with your third, and fourth child (and what was supposed to be your fifth). But she's trying her best not to think about said fifth child, as it makes her really sad; and it makes her want to cry, which just brings out a whole set of more emotions. Emotions that she doesn't want to deal with right now, simply due to the fact that it's not something that she wants to have to deal with; wait, she already said that. But whatever, it's still the truth. Right now, Gabby just wants to concentrate on the things that make her happy in life. Her loving husband, and their sons; and that's something that she plans on doing tonight, because she wants to spend some time with them. Well, maybe after her husband gives her more of a massage. Maybe on her shoulders.

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