Meet the Jacobs, Part One

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Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Five. I didn't expect this chapter to already be upon us, but I am so glad that it is. I love writing this story for you guys, and I am so glad that this is what I am doing for you each and every day; and I'm also glad that it allows me to keep practicing my writing when it comes to what I can do within the universe of One Chicago, even though some of my characters may not be members of the One Chicago universe. And that's what the characters in this story are, non-One Chicago characters. Enjoy.

Quick Note: This is just going to be a quick introductory chapter for the characters so that I can introduce some more people to the story, which I can later use in other chapters (without having to do another introductory chapter first); and that's why I am writing this chapter, because I had the idea for this chapter. Hope you guys are liking this story, and are ready for some more with the Caseys.

Quick Character Introductions:
Mario Hervas as Mario Jacobs – Designer, ELLA Fitness Men's Line
Bella Jacobs – Mario's Wife, Model for ELLA Intimates
Celeste Lux – VP and Deputy Chief Marketing Officer, ELLA

Home of Mario and Bella Jacobs, Cromwell's Beach – Twenty days. That's how long she's had the title she's wanted for five years, the title of Ms. Mario Jacobs; she's wanted to be his wife as soon as three months after she first met the man of her dreams, the man she's madly in love with. And that was the entire reason she was currently wearing the outfit that she's in the midst of wearing, something that her boss has given her to try out, which was actually why she was currently in her room, modelling something in front of the mirror. "I would have to say that it fits around here, and it's not too tight anywhere else." Bella's boss, Ms. Celeste Lux agreed with her; glad that she was getting this immediate feedback from one of her models, as it allowed her to make sure that they are doing things right. "Thanks again for doing this today, I just wanted to do it while I had time off." Turning her iPad camera around so that it was no longer facing the mirror, Bella agreed with her boss as she told her that. "Believe me Ms. Lux, it's no problem; I know that you need to get this done when you can, especially since we want to get this line out by March right? Or when do we start production." Celeste then proceeded to talk to her. "Actually, there's a reason why we're making you try these outfits on right now."

Bella was a bit confused as she decided to turn her iPhone camera back around, that way she could speak to her face-to-face over FaceTime; making her way to the bed that she shares with her husband, Bella smiled as she climbed into bed while getting ready to speak to her once again. "And what's that reason?" Celeste Kidd smiled as Bella asked her what the reason is, which is something that every model is excited to get. "Bella, me and Gabby have spoken about this; and you're going to be the face of ELLA Intimates' Spring/Summer 2020 Campaign." Bella was shocked as she heard her boss say that, as that wasn't something that she was expecting to hear. "Sorry, but did I just hear that right? Did you just say that I'm going to be the head of the next campaign?" Celeste agreed with Bella as she asked him that, smiling at her model. "Me and Gabby both agreed that we want to have diversity in our heads of campaigns, and that's what you are. I mean, you are the image of a diverse model; you are a Hispanic American woman, whose father is from Hawaii. And we both agreed that was going to be something that we're going to do, we're going to feature you." Bella agreed with her boss as she said that, honored over what she was getting a chance to do. "And this isn't due to the fact that..."

Celeste stopped Bella from saying what she was going to say, as that's not the truth whatsoever. "Bella, you're a stunning woman; and you are a beautiful model, whom we are both impressed with. You pictured great in our practice photoshoot, and this is an honor that you have earned Bella; independent from the fact that your husband is a designer with the Men's line. Bella, don't overthink this." Bella agreed with her boss as she said that, truly honored to have been chosen for this position. "Ms. Lux, you have no idea just how honored I am to have been given this chance; I promise, this is not going to be a decision you'll regret." Celeste laughed as she heard Bella say that, as she was well aware of that case. "Bella, I already know that's the case. I am never going to regret this choice because I am proud to have chosen you. Now, just take it easy and let me know if something changes; please, know that we support your family life first. If you get pregnant, then we will work around it." Bella agreed with Celeste as she said that, truly honored. "I'm going to hold you to that, especially since I know what I'm going to..." Bella then realized that she was talk to her boss. "God, you're my boss."

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now