"You'll have a lovely decorated space in no time," Professor Weasley stated at the end of the lesson.

"Thank you for showing me this place, professor. And you too, Deek." Alayna smiled down at the house elf.

"I've asked Deek to help you out whenever I am unavailable. He probably knows more about the Room than I do."

"Deek spends a lot of time in the Room. It has many uses! Deek is certain you will find everything you need here."

After Deek and Professor Weasley left, Alayna spent a little more time in the room to get it the way she wanted. A cauldron station for potions, a few potting tables for some of her plants. She was able to conjure a desk where she could work on homework as well as some cushioned seating in case she wanted a place to relax by herself. There was more she could be picky about, but that would work for now.

Another day brought two new classes: Divination and History of Magic. Alayna was not too sure about Divination. She wasn't sure she believed fully in predicting futures and such, though the class was taught by Natty's mother so she was looking forward to finally meeting her.

Professor Onai was as kind as her daughter with perhaps a flair for the dramatic given her subject. She knew how to make the class interesting or at least it would have been if Alayna found herself really believing in any of it. Staring into a crystal ball and waiting for some vision to appear sounded like a lot of bogus to her.

On her way out of the classroom, Sebastian bumped into her and smiled.

"Hey, meet me in the DADA tower after your next class. I want to show you something," he said as he joined her in walking down from the tower the Divination classroom was in.

"What is it?" Alayna asked.

"You'll just have to come and find out." Sebastian winked and took off at a faster pace down the stairs. She did not appreciate the crypticness, but she apparently did not get a chance to say no. And of course she was interested to know what he had to show her.

History of Magic was next. She was looking forward to the class since she knew very little of wizarding history. It would be good to learn more about the world she lived in. As she entered the classroom and looked for a place to sit, she saw Ominis currently sitting by himself towards the front of the room.

"Ominis, is this seat taken?" she spoke softly in the hopes of not startling him with her sudden appearance.

"Oh, Alayna. Not at all," he patted the spot beside him on the bench for her to sit on. "I hope you've prepared yourself for this class."

"What do you mean?" Alayna asked as she sat down.

"Professor Binns is frankly, a major bore and puts everyone to sleep in his classes," Ominis explained.

"What? It can't be that bad." Alayna blinked. There was no way everyone fell asleep in his class.

"Everyone. You'll soon find out." Ominis turned away with a slight smirk on his face, which on him honestly terrified her a little bit. Sebastian's smirk was playful and fun, but Ominis's was...dangerous.

Professor Binns entered the classroom by floating through the wall. Literally, because he was a ghost. Alayna hadn't realized Hogwarts had a ghost teaching classes. And as he began lecturing she did indeed find out why everyone fell asleep in his class.

"In today's lesson, we will cover a truly thrilling event: The Goblin Rebellion of 1752, and all of its triumph and tragedy," Professor Binns began speaking in the most monotone and boring voice Alayna had ever heard in her life. It was so uninteresting and she had nothing else to do to keep her mind from simply deciding it was time to sleep. Glancing over, she saw that Ominis already had his eyes closed and was leaning his head on his hand. As the class wore on, the students around her dropped like flies. She did her best to remain awake, but even she found her eyes growing heavier until she was forced to rest her head on the table in front of her.

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