Preparations for a King

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Entering the castle, I smiled at those I passed back to my chambers. Turning a corner, I forced myself to take a deep breath before proceeding down the corridor, only to enter my room a few moments later to find the brass tub waiting for me. I turned and closed the door behind Shadow before walking over to my waiting handmaidens. Moments later, I sighed in relief when my bare body snuck into the warm rose-scented bath water a few minutes later. I leaned back into the tub as Sanira gently brushed my long hair, only to swiftly braid it as I thought about the differences between my elder brothers Robb and Jon to hear, "Milady?"

Blinking, I leaned back and tilted my head to find Sanira offering me a smile as she stared down at me before asking, "are you all right?" I nodded that I was fine as I asked, "have you ever been with a man, Sanira?" I watched her eyebrow raise as I felt a sudden heat flare in my cheeks while she cautiously asked, "why do you wish to know Lady Ilyanna?" Embarrassed for the both of us, I ducked my head while saying, "my Father may promise me to one of King Robert's sons and..." With a hum, she softly said, "I have only been with a man once." Nodding, I forced myself to breathe through embarrassment as I asked, "what did it feel like?" She sighed before saying, "well, at first, there was a discomfort for me when he..." Nodding that I understood, she took a deep breath before continuing, "however, that pain eventually receded into a pleasure."

Adjusting my position within the tub, I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them as I heard Sanira stand. Glancing up at her, I watched her walk over to a short stool with a towel and a bar of soap resting as I asked, "do you think all men know how to make the act pleasurable for the women they are with?" I reached up with my left hand to take the soap from her while she shrugged and said, "perhaps, but I am sure the man your Father chooses for you will not leave you wanting." Nodding my thanks, I dropped the soap into the still-warm bathwater, only to hear a bark. Turning my head, I blinked upon seeing Shadow, who had doubled in size in the past month, lying at the end of my bed with her eyes closed and her ears raised. Shaking my head, I resumed bathing, only to hear another bark. "Shadow, my girl, please stop barking, and I promise I will take you for a walk once I have..." I glanced over my shoulder to see her still sleeping. Confused, I passed the soap over to Sanira, placed my hands on the tub's sides, and pushed myself upwards to step out of the brass tub. With my feet on the wooden floor, I turned and took the offered towel from Sanira only to wrap it around my frame as I walked over to the door to hear, "bark, bark!" Taking a deep breath, I reached out, grabbed the handle, and pulled the door open to watch Ghost bound into my room with Grey Wind behind him.

Closing the door behind them, I just shook my head as I watched them run up to my bed and place their paws on the mattress to stare at Shadow as she slowly opened her eyes to stare at her brothers. Shaking my head, I returned my attention to Sanira, who was holding my sleep clothes. Taking them from her, I quickly removed my towel before pulling my clothes on. Smoothing my violet sleep gown down my frame, I felt Sanira come up behind me and gently free my hair beneath the robe's collar while Ghost and Grey Wind joined Shadow on my bed. Shaking my head, I crossed my chambers, picked up my dark blue robe, and tugged it on, saying, "you three best not get comfortable. Once I am dressed, I will escort you back to your masters." Grey Wind huffed as Ghost groaned as I tied my robe close while Sanira chuckled before saying, "I think they would prefer to stay here with you, milady." I shook my head, saying, "I am sure that if they should try, either of my brothers will be here to reclaim their companions." Sanira chuckled as she stepped up behind me to finish unraveling my braid, only to have the door to my chambers open suddenly. As the wooden door connected with the stone wall with a bang, I blinked, surprised at the sound, causing Sanira to gasp.

We looked up to see a clean-shaven Robb standing in the doorway of my chambers dressed in his brown boots, trousers, and a transparent light green linen shirt as the three direwolves raised their heads briefly before laying them back down. With a huff, I watched Robb stomp away from the door to stand before my bed with his hands on his hips as he calmly said, "should you be here, Grey Wind?" The direwolf in question tilted his head to the left to stare at his master momentarily before turning and placing his head upon Shadow's back while Ghost nudged Shadow to let him set his nose beneath her neck. Surprised, I watched the three of them sigh and return to their dozing as Robb took a deep, annoyed breath. "Grey Wind come," only to have him remain where he was as I asked, "Robb?"

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