The trip to Hades

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Lena's Pov

Ben told us about his talk with the goddess of love and how we had to go to the underworld. I could tell he was holding something back but it didn't exactly matter. I was too busy thinking about how I could meet my father for the first time.

"So who knows how to reach the underworld?" Kaylee frowned.

"I do. It's like Ben's sixth sense to the sea. Ever since we've gotten here I've been feeling this pull." I explained.

So they followed me to the entrance of the underworld. It took us inside to a large waiting room. I had heard about it and how Cheron the Ferryman was able to bring live people across on his boat.

"We need passage across to the other side." Kaylee demanded.

"Sorry. Your living. Die and come back." Cheron smiled cheerfully.

"Listen Cheron I know your doing your job but I don't think your thinking this through. I'm Ben son of Poseidon. That's Kaylee daughter of Zeus. That might not mean much to you but what is your boss going to think when he finds out that you refused to bring his daughter across on the boat?" Ben growled.

Cheron shoot me a look and his eyes widened in fear. He quickly rushed us into the boat with some ghosts and drove us to the other side.

"I want to see my father." I said.

"Ok that's the only spot we can stop. I hear the fall into the pit is pretty rough." Ben frowned.

"Has anyone made it back? You know. From the pit?" Kaylee gasped.

"Just two. Percy and Annabeth with the help of a titan named Bob." Ben shrugged.

He didn't elaborate on anything he just said. Instead we marched into my fathers palace and a huge women with talons the size of an arm screamed loudly slashing at Ben. He dove out of the way drawing out Storm slicing the air as the fury backed away.

"Enough! Your late my child." My father said.

He was what I imagined from what Nico had told me. Tall dark in a suit. His power was flowing off of him. All of us could feel it.

"Father I." I gasped.

"I know what you want and what you are doing here. I am afraid I won't be much help on your quest. But you should rest all of you. Especially you son of Poseidon. You have a question to think about." My dad growled.

We where shown to rooms on different parts of the castle. My father must have planned this because there was a black sword just like Nico's on the bottom of my bed with a note.

'Dear Lena, for the longest time my children have been outcasts even amongst their friends or family. Yet you take the best parts of me and make everyone love you. You have made me proud, Hades. Your father.'

"Thanks Dad." I choked.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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