Chapter Thirteen

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"What do you mean you haven't finished reading it?" Miss Greaves demanded when I joined her at the kitchen table the next morning. "Did I not tell you that I intend to post my letter to your father this morning?"

"Yes, you were quite clear on that point," I answered, filling my plate with eggs and ham. While my usual practice was to nibble toast in the morning, I had recently become ravenously hungry every time I woke. "But I'm sure you are aware of the difficulty in deciphering my grandmother's writing. A single evening with only candlelight is hardly enough time."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "If this is a ploy to get more time so you can create some scheme, I warn you I will not let that happen," she said. "There is nothing you could do or say to sway me from my course."

"Then I fail to see what I have to do with it," I said, picking up my fork. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Katie watching us. "If you wish to demand more funds from my father, do so."

"If he does not, it will be on your head."

"You have assured me that I am a disappointment to my father, so I am sure anything I might have to say on the matter will not sway him."

Fury was written on her face. But what could she have expected?

"Katie, what are you doing?" Miss Greaves demanded suddenly. "Is there nothing for you to do other than eavesdrop on your betters?"

"She can hardly help it," I commented. "You brought the matter up in front of her. Where do you expect her to go? We are in the part of the cottage she uses the most."

Miss Greaves brought her hand down the table, making the dishes rattle. "Go make the beds," she snapped.

Eyes wide, Katie fled from the room. "There's no reason to take your anger out on her," I admonished. "She has done nothing wrong."

"Nothing wrong?" Miss Greaves repeated. "She is not supposed to be your devoted slave! Every time I turn around she is asking what she can do for you, what she can get."

"You are angry because she is kind?" I asked, trying to understand her.

"I am angry because she has allowed herself to fall into your schemes!"

Deliberately, I took a bite of eggs, just to have a moment to think. I had done nothing to earn Katie's devotion. I hadn't even expected her to pay any attention to me, beyond obeying any direction I gave her.

"Well?" Miss Greaves asked. "Have you nothing to say for yourself?"

"Since I have done nothing wrong, I don't know what you expect me to say," I responded evenly. "Katie has been kind to me. That is her right. Do you want me to be rude and tell her to stop?"

With a scowl, she rose. "Stop acting as though you are the innocent one in the room," she said. "You are far from a victim."

Lifting my chin, I stared at her. "I have done things that I regret, as I'm sure many people have," I told her, choosing my words carefully. "But I don't see why I should apologize or feel guilty when I haven't done what I am accused of. I have done nothing to manipulate Katie into being nice to me, but at the same time, I am not going to refuse that kindness "

"If she knew the kind of woman you are, she would never be in this house! No self-respecting person would want to be near you!"

That was the second time she had thrown that accusation at me. "Which is why you are here to keep everyone else from knowing the truth," I pointed out. "I imagine that the fee you collect from my father will be significantly smaller if you fail to meet your end of the bargain."

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