Burning love

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"Why did you stop?" Mingi asked as he came to a halt behind the alpha.

Yunho looked at the road ahead of them. If he stared long enough, he could see the church bell tower and wooden roofs of houses.

Turning right, the male began walking through deep bushes.

"Yunho? The road is right there, where are you going?"

"I know but we better take a detour. I don't think we can take the main route and walk in Katolca without meeting barbarians. They most likely are waiting for someone to come."

Mingi nodded his head even though Yunho couldn't see that and followed in his footsteps. The bushes were nicely flattened out for him to walk through. A small smile spread on his lips. The omega became bashful with his lowered head and upper lip between teeth. He knew it was neither the place nor the time but he couldn't help the tingly feeling. Yunho was even letting his kiwi scent show in order to make a comforting atmosphere between them.

Mingi always knew he didn't need a lot to fall hard for a person but the alpha's manners kept him weak in his knees.

He was a big sucker for chivalry after all.

"Careful." Yunho's voice spoke somewhere in front of him.

The omega lifted his head to see the male holding a branch so it wouldn't get back to its original place and hit his face. Mingi took hold of the branch and let it go, when he passed it. The branch snapped back with a loud sound.

They walked through the forest with small sticks cracking under their feet as the only accompanying melody.

Mingi picked up on a quiet sound ahead of them. Yunho didn't seem alarmed so the male hoped the other had noticed it too but concluded it's harmless.

Soon the forest ended. Quite abruptly the thick woods became a short grass lawn. The trees and bushes resumed a bit further yet the chunk of land in front of him and to his left had only greens reaching no further than his ankles.

"What is this?"

"Look to your right." Yunho answered, already turning his head.

First thing registering in the omega's mind was a big rock wall that connected the two forest parts. Then he saw water flowing out somewhere from the rock's depths and into the pond below.

The sound turned out to be water rushing down.

"It's beautiful." he said, taking a step closer to the waterfall.

The pond had rocks around it and Mingi squatted down to inspect it closer.

"Where does the water go?"


"From a rock to the ground?"

It was his first time hearing of such a waterfall yet the water looked lucid.

"My theory is that someone used magic to make this long ago. No one knows how this is possible till this day."

The sentence made Mingi confused.

"Usually all spells casted disappear after the mage has passed and none of us have the power to make our life longer so I'm not sure how this works. They must have been a strong mage to ensure this would work after their passing."

The male looked down on his gloved palm. He had put the left hand's glove on his right hand, which was uncomfortable.

Taking it off, he lifted his palm to face the rock from where the water came out.

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