35. Flint Castle

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Sep's POV

After that night, the twins had a strained relationship with Gregory Bulstrode. They acted as though nothing was amiss around everyone else but the warmness was gone. It wasn't all bad though. The lack of warmth was replaced by a mutual respect. The man had learned an important lesson, they weren't the innocent friends of his daughter he'd assumed. Similarly, they recognised that he was pragmatic and easy to work with, even if there was tension. Nicolo Ignius avoided them for the rest of their stay in Rome but he did shake their hands as they left, a sign of respect that wasn't afforded to their friends. Sep hoped that they would visit again, he had unfinished business with the man's daughter, Julia. Since they had been seperated in the pool, they weren't allowed near each other. Even if its just a fling, he'd come back and finish what they started one day.

Rio also seemed much less tense since that night. It was as though whatever her frustrations were had an outlet now. He hoped that her moods were over. Neither of them seemed to be able to explain what had come over her but she had been driving everyone away with her sour moods.

Once they returned to the Bulstrode manor, they began preparing for the next part of their holiday. Marcus had invited the whole team, along with Milli and Blaise to his family home for a week. He was excited to see them all. It would be nice after all the talk of missions and businesses to just relax with friends and play some quidditch.

When they arrived they were met with a much darker room than anything in the Bulstrode manor. The walls were covered in portraits but beneath them, there were hard stone walls. As with each pureblood house, an elf came to meet them. He explained that Marcus' parents were away but Marcus and his older brothers were tending to the castle. A castle, Sep noted. That was unique. The elf led them through the dark hallways of the castle to a courtyard. It was enormous and flanked on all sides by tall crenellated walls and towers. They saw the rest of their friends sitting around a fountain in the centre laughing and joking amongst themselves. When the saw the four of them approaching they either called out in greeting or just raised a hand. There was  a blond haired older man among them, he seemed familiar.

"There they are!" Marcus called out with a wide smile. "Our star players and our favourite non-player teammates!"

The blond man laughed at his comment and stepped forward to meet them as they approached.

"Ludo Bagman, head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports." He greeted with a wide smile. "Its a pleasure to finally meet you. You've been the talk of the office all year." What was this all about? Why was a Ministry man here? Sep shook his hand, returning his smile. He was hoping for time with his friends, this was annoying.

"You played for England." Rio noted. Sep suddenly remembered where he recognised the man now. He was a beater for the Wasps when they were younger.

"I did!" He said cheerfully. "Well, do you want to tell them the news, or should I?" He said to Marcus.

"The Ministry want to add us to the British and Irish Quidditch League!" Marcus said, barely containing his excitement. The news stunned the twins. Blaise and Milli also seemed completely caught off guard.

"It'll do wonders for youth engagement for a team of fresh young talent to enter the competition." Ludo explained. "Plus, a lot of people have a nostalgia for their time at Hogwarts. We're certain that this would inject new enthusiasm for the sport. We've wanted to do something similar before but it was hard to assemble a team that was worth a damn at the national level. Your entire team is on that level though. We're starting you with a trial run. We'll announce that you're entering the competition for a year as a fun charity initiative. If the public like it, we'll discuss your entry into the leagues full time."

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