34. An Offer They Can't Refuse

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Rio's POV

Later that night, Lilith woke the twins from their sleep.

"They are coming for you." She said.

"Who?" Sep asked sleepily, untangling their limbs from each other.

"The Ignius man and Gregory Bulstrode." The snake reported. Rio knew what this was about now.

"They are scared that I'll talk about what I watched." Rio said, she'd told her brother briefly what had happened before they went to sleep.

"Merlin, Rio..." Sep sighed. "Grab your wand, just in case." He said, taking his own. He was right, it was better to be alive to face the Ministry's questions than to die but never raise an alarm. The two found their wands and slipped on some evening robes. They then waited in some armchairs, facing their bedroom door. They would not be caught sleeping.

The door creaked open, both of them raised their wands to the door. Two figures started to enter, focusing on the bed. They hadn't noticed the twins.

"Drop your wands." Rio ordered out of the darkness. The figures jumped slightly but didn't make any sudden moves.

"We mean no harm." Gregory replied.

"Prove it by dropping your wands and kicking them over here." Rio answered.

Gregory was the first to do so. The other man followed after some hesitation. They had no real choice. They had two people pointing their wands at them. Rio and Sep would be able to get a spell off before they were able to turn.

"Good." Sep said. He lit his wand with Lumos, revealing them seated with their wands pointed at the intruders. "Sneaking into someone's room in the dead of night with your wands out..." He tutted. "Forgive me if I don't believe you meant no harm."

"They are scared of us brother." Rio said with a giggle. "They're worried we know too much. They don't know what we do. What we've been doing." The two men seemed utterly confused by how their plan had turned out. They clearly didn't know what Rio was talking about and were shocked that the two were talking so calmly.

"Surprising." Sep said with agreement. "Needless to say, we don't care about whatever the fuck you're doing."

"In fact, we want to make you an offer." Rio continued. She shared a look with Sep that told him to trust her. "It is drugs, correct?" The men didn't answer. She frowned. "I'm afraid you don't quite understand. You have nothing to lose by telling us. Your secrets are safe with us. We just need to know if it interests us." Gregory seemed close to sharing. He'd spent more time with them to build trust. The other man hadn't. She'd hinted at the carrot, their help. They refused. Now it was time for the stick. "This is not optional. Still no answer?" Nothing. She tutted. She raised her free hand, she didn't want to use her wand if she didn't need to. She pointed it at the Italian man. Crucio.

It was her first time using the spell on a human, it was incredible. At a whim she forced complete suffering on this man. The man started to scream while writhing on the floor. Sep was quick to cast Silencio, stopping the screams, leaving the man to struggle in silence. Rio looked at Gregory, he was panicking. That was bad. Panicked people are stupid. She snapped her fingers, drawing his attention. She gave him an expecting look.

"Sometimes. A little bit of everything." He said. She released the curse on his friend.

"Everything?" She asked.

"Black market trading. Whatever people need, we supply."

"Now that wasn't so hard." She said. After feeling so tense and frustrated recently, this was an incredible relief. This was power. She shared a look with her brother. He seemed in awe of her. "Now, I hope we can continue as friends."

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