Chapter 11:The End?? Part 1

Start from the beginning

Hao sigh as a single tear falls out as he thinks and says "fine I'll use you again but only when I think I either need you,get angry enough to want to use you guys or when I want to use you got it"

All the sacred beast nod as the Hao wakes up realizing it's morning

Flashback ends

"...And yeah that's pretty much it"Hao had explained everything but left out anything about his brother only saying what the sacred beast meant about them

Everyone was still worried but decided to trust Hao as Lina hugs him for comfort as sora match is then about to begin

Some time later

Sora duel with shay was still the same which sadden Hao cause he thought all the time he spent with sora trying to have him retort academia ment something but it wasn't the case

At the end of the duel though something happened that made Hao skin pale "I won't lose to XYZ scum like you" presses something on his duel disk "now I just gave the go ahead for academia to attack"sora said with a smirk as shay starts to shake him as the audience was confused

"You see a week before the tournament I sent all the information I gathered and sent it to duel academy now all I had to do was send a signal and this dimension will suffer the same fate as the XYZ dimension hahaha"as sora finishes talking he disappears in a blue light as if right on cue a giant mechanical arm punches right through the LID tower

People start screaming as multiple mechanical soldiers appear out of a portal that opened in the center were Shay is as people wearing red/yellow/blue start coming out with smirks as all this is happening Hao is just sitting horrified cause the worst thing has happened but that horror change to seriousness as he activates his duel disk

A giant mechanical soldier is about to attack a little girl who tripped while try to get away until "GO MALICIOUS ASSAULT" evil hero malicious bane appears and uses the blades on its arm to pierce the giants head

Little time passes as Hao,Shay,Yuto,Fyuto,Yuya,Fyuya,gong,gold,Lina,Roa,Zuzu and finally Fyuya head in separate directions to help others out

As Hao is helping people three obelisk force members appear as he gets ready to duel he hears "SABER DANCE"a monster Hao recognized appeared slashing at the obelisk force members as Hao turns and sees...


"Hao I'm so glad your safe cause she needs your help"celina came up to him some what panicking

"Celina wait who needs my help"

"They took her Hao they controlled her"


"FYURI THEY TOOK FYURI AND USED A PARASITE ON HER"as celina screams this Hao pales at finding this out

"Is she here"he asks a little shaken

Celina nods and points to the general direction she in "she over there with yuri" Hao looks and realizes that Yuya,Fyuya and Zuzu are

Hao starts running there as he does Celina then fixes herself and says "All according to plan"

With Yuya and the others

As Yuya,Fyuya and Zuzu meet up after saving some people they still wonder what is going on but before they could say anything vines start to wrap around them as two people walk up to them

Whistles "wow sis you actually did something good"as the male of the two says the other is silent as Fyuya sees the other one's eyes the female of the two has cold dead eyes

Yugioh arc-V:The sacred duelist (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now