"Are you planning on getting drunk without me tonight, Jones?" He leers, and to his suprise, Casey just grins back.

"Nah actually, I was planning on getting drunk with you."

Donatellos stomach squirms, and his heart flutters in his chest at the tone of voice Jones had adopted. He wasn't imagining that, right? His scales turned a deeper shade of green as he flushed, unable to respond. He quickly shakes out of his stupor when Casey grabs his hand and tugs him towards the manhole cover. Tonight was going to be fun.


Leo was bored. Like, SO bored. He had tried his absolute hardest to pay attention, becoming aquainted with this universes April, who was just, so so different he didn't know where to start, Karai, who was not a grandma and/or ancient spirit?? Also a space lizard named Mona Lisa who was dating this universes Raph? What really weireded him out though was this universes Casey. For starters, there is only one? And he seems to be absolutely INFATUATED with this universes Donatello. Honestly, good for them. But it seemed like they didn't know that they liked eachother, which really annoyed Leo- they have the opportunity to be happy (and cringy) as hell and they are too oblivious to take it? Ugh. 

He lets his mind wander for a while, but restlessness quickly festers inside him until he is itching to to SOMETHING. Any time he tried to stay still and sit with his thoughts, the nightmare that is- was- the Kraang enters his mind. It's like as soon as he relaxes, his mind decides to plant some impossible scenario into his thoughts. He has to keep reminding himself that the Kraang are gone. They did not escape. He locked them away. He won. They can't hurt anyone ever again. He made his sacrifice, and now they are gone forever. Leos spiral is put on pause when he feels a tap on the shoulder.

"Hey man, I noticed you were a bit zoned out, wanna sit on the rooftop for some fresh air?" Leonardo smiles at him, resting his hand on Leos shoulder comfortably. Leo notices Mikey, Karai, Donnie and Michelangelo lingering a few steps behind, sheepishly peering from over Leonardos frame. The Raphs and Mona Lisa were having a long conversation, and Leo had grown concerned when Raph started crying, but his fear quickly dissappeared when the flow of tears stopped, replaced by a smile. Raph looked, peaceful, and happy, and calm. It was an expression Leo was dying (hehe) to see on his big brothers face after the two of them, especially Leo, had spent the first 2 days of their time here cooped up in the medbay.

A smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, then his lips curl into his signature grin. "Sure!" he smirks, "I need a good distraction." The group make their way onto the rooftop, Leo carefully climbs the fire escape rather than using his portals, and is joined by Leonardo, who is using a cane today, while the rest scale the edge of the building. Leo needs to ask about the cane, he hasn't used it until now- where did the need for it come from? The medic in him itches to know.

 The soft clacking of the cane against the metal steps is soothing, and quickly lulls Leo into a calm state. It distracts him from the pain in his shell, and the ache in his still healing bones. Honestly, he secretly hated Draxum a little less at the moment, because they healed SO much faster than other mutants and Yokai, being made as war machines and all. Speaking of origin stories, he wonders where their Draxum or Big Mama is, or the Hidden City? He pushes the thought aside and makes a mental note to ask about it when the subject arises.

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