Chapter 1

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*2012 Universe, 1 year after season 5*

"RAPH! Enough! Weapons down, we are done." Shouts a blue masked turtle, leaning on his katana like a cane and holding his other hand on his face, covering his grin. The 2 other turtles, wearing orange and red, groan but immediately obey, letting go and helping eachother off of the ground. Raph puts his sais in his belt, and Mikey copies with his nun-chucks. "Geez Leo, I'll never get used to how much you sound like sensei" Raph laughs, and Leo smiles a small smile at his brother. Donnie has already retreated back to his lab after his and Leos spar, eager to continue working on his newest invention.

"Go have some fun you guys, I'll catch up! Maybe call Karai, April and Casey, we can have some pizza tonight!" Leo smiles as his younger brothers grin at eachother and sprint out of the dojo in search of their T-Phones. He turns and kneels infront of a collection of photos, the largest one containing him, his brothers and his late sensei and father, Master Splinter. He begins to meditate, although today he finds it hard to concentrate. "Master Splinter, why is my mind so restless today? I haven't had this trouble in a long time!" he asks, but to no avail. He resolves to sit in peace and drink some tea instead, hoping to put his mind at ease. His senses are extremely hightened, which confuses him as there is nothing to be wary of in his own home- right?

All of a sudden, a large, orange portal appears on the ceiling of the dojo and six figures come tumbling out. Leo approaches cautiously, katanas at the ready, however he quickly sheaths them after glancing at them for a moment. They wear the same colours as him and his brothers, and are also turtles. More alternates! And they are injured! "Donnie! Raph! Mikey! Get in here now- and bring a med kit or six!" He cries, and rushes to aid the turtles and their human companions. His alternate, covered with yellow and red markings, as well as various wounds, is unconcious and already surrounded by his brothers. They are circled around him, weapons drawn, looking like they have been through hell and back. They stay there in a battle stance, desperate to do anything to protect their Leo.

"Hey guys! I am not your enemy, I will help you all. Please, I already know who you are- Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo." The turtles look up and the desparation leaves their faces as who Leo assumed was Donatello and Raph turned to eachother with a confused look. Mikey is panic-striken, cradling Leos alternate in his lap and sobbing. Leos' brothers quickly arrive, each carrying medical supplies, which are instantly dropped in shock as they see the pile of turtles and humans in their dojo. "Don't ask questions now, we help them first, ask later. They are seriously injured, especially the blue one!" Each of the turtles rush to their alternate with a medical kit, and Leo and Donnie also take a human each, ready to patch up their mysterious alternates.

Leo gives a smile of reassurance to his alternates brothers, hoping that they understand what he is trying to do as he turns his alternate onto his stomach to look for any shell damage. "Holy shit." He murmurs. Other-Leos shell is nearly completely caved in, it is shattered down the center and blood is seeping out. Other-Leo mumbles to himself, and he grows restless in his unconsious state. The bandages Leo has are quickly soaked in blood, and he frantically asks his brother to go get more. He thinks that he might have been screaming, but he doesnt care. This turtle could easily not wake up. "DONNIE- Are you finished checking out your alternate and the girl? I need some help!" Leo cries to his brother in purple, who rushes over and goes pale just looking at the injuries. "I'll go get some plaster, but his shell is so weak that it might not work Le-" Donnie rants, but is cut off when Leo tells him to do it anyway. These turtles have faced something horrible, and he intends to find out what after they all heal.

Raph has finished bandaging his alternates arms and hands, they were covered in cuts and exit wounds, like something had made its way out of his skin. He shuddered at the thought and looked up at Other-Raphs face. His mask was torn, and he was grimacing. "Please, help my brothers, I am fine- really!" Raph doesn't believe him though, every time he blinks his mouth tightens in pain. He ignores the large turtles pleas and lifts up his mask. Big mistake. His entire eye is bloodshot clouded over with a pinkish hue. "What the fuck?? What happened?" shouts Raph, who is met with the turtle frantically looking left and right murmuring to himself. "Where is Leo? Did I hurt him? Is he ok? What about Mikey and Donnie and April and Casey? YOU SHOULD BE HELPING THEM NOT ME" Other-Raph panicks, his breathing is quick and loud. "Hey calm down big guy, my other brothers are helping them, I'm here to focus on you. Follow my breathing, ready? In 2 3 4, out 2 3 4"

Raph repeats himself until his alternate has calmed down and is breathing semi-normally. "Leo, he is in blue, is he ok?" Other-Raph asks again, clearly concerned more about his family than himself. "Your Leo isn't awake, so we don't know for sure- BUT my Leonardo and Donatello are both taking care of him so he's gonna be ok, ok?" Raph reassures the large turtle, and takes his nod as a chance to take in his appearance and check for any other injuries. For starters, his alternate is huge! He was covered in spikes and the only one of the four turtles that didn't have any visible markings. Other-Leo had red stripes on his face and yellow ones on his shoulders, Other-Mikey had yellow dots of various sizes all over his body and face, and Other-Donnie had purple squares on his shoulders and face. They looked very different to Raphs family, but the way they cared for eachother was the exact same, perhaps even more fierce.

It took Mikey 10 minutes just to coax Other-Mikey away from Other-Leo so that he could bandage his alternate up. "Poor little dude, he must feel horrible!" Mikey thought to himself, and made his check up on Other-Mikey as quick as possible so he could go back to cradling his older (?) brother. The two Mikeys looked pretty different, but so far they acted pretty similar. Other-Mikey couldnt stop shaking- like he had a tremor- and his hands and wrists were burnt, which is probably where his shakes came from. He looked terrible. His eyes were wide yet exhausted, and he was curling up into a ball, clearly wanting to sleep yet not wanting to leave his brothers sides. His decision, however, was made for him when his eyes fluttered slightly and he quickly slumped against his alternate. "Omg!" Mikey started, and went to ask for help but first checked his alternates pulse, finding that he was simply so exhausted that he had lost consiousness. He gently picked up Other-Mikey and placed him onto a pile of cushions in the corner of the Dojo. He and his brothers would be able to talk to them once they woke up.

Finally! Dontello finds the supplies needed and rushes back to help his brother with Other-Leo. His alternate was a quick check up, physically anyway. Other than small cuts and bruises, Other-Donnie was fine on the outside, but Donnie had a feeling that mentally there was going to be alot to unpack. Other-Donnie was completely zoned-out, occasionally zoning in only to glance up at his alternate then check on his brothers. There was no readable emotion on his face other than the pain that flashed across it when Donnie accidentally pulled a bandage too tight. Yeesh. Donnie was now holding Other-Leos' shell in the most natural position possible while Leo plastered it into place like a broken bone. After the plaster they wrapped his torso in bandages and shifted him to the couch.

Other-Leo was beginning to stir, mumbling to himself. Leo and Donnie disregarded the giberrish, until it started to make sense. "Raph, kraang, prison" Other-Leo repeated the three words, occasionally adding others like "dead" and "my fault". Leo sighed and turned to look at Donnie- "A Leos gonna Leo, amiright?" he smiled. As they placed him on the couch, Other-Leos' eyes flicked open and he reached for his katanas before crying out in pain. "Hey, Leo, you gotta stay still and rest up alright? Don't worry, your brothers are all taken care of. We are here to look after you now. " Leo reassures his alternate and sits beside him, making sure he stays still and relatively calm for the situation he is in. "You are all going to be ok, we'll explain where you are when you are all awake, so rest up" is the last thing Other-Leo hears before drifting back off into a deep sleep.

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