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*Rise Universe, end of Rottmnt Movie*

"Strength prevails over all." Boasts the kraang. I don't fully remember how I got here. In the prison dimension. With the kraang. "I'm going to be here for a long time, so you get to be my personal boxing bag until there's nothing left of you! That's what you get for trapping me here!" I wince as the kraang bot draws closer, now I remember. I sigh to myself as I reach into my bag and find my family photo. Raph, Mikey, Don-Tron, Apes, Dad and I, all happy after a fun day in the hidden city. I smile and clutch it close to my chest, it serves as my last sliver of hope in this wasteland of despair. "I'm going to be here for a while, might as well keep their memory close!" I chuckle dryly to myself, humour was always my strongpoint right? After being the face man of course!

Suddenly, I notice a bright light behind me. It casts a shadow onto the family picture still clasped in my hand, now stained with tears and blood. My eyes widen as I notice the red stain- where did that come from?? I reach up and feel my face and am shocked with the warm liquid pooling from my nose and mouth. Just lovely. I turn towards the mysterious light and see my brothers peeking through. Relief floods their faces as they spot me, floating in the void of space between them and the kraang. Dread fills me as I remember the kraang making its way towards me. I throw my sword towards my brothers and use it to teleport to them as pain wracks my body. It feels like lightning, zapping from my ankles all the way up to my head. I reach out to my family and they pull me through the portal, its orange light reflects onto their panic-stricken faces as it closes, shutting the kraang away forever. 

Dizziness hits me as the adrenalin keeping my body from shutting down starts to wear off. "Fuck" I mumble to myself, and I notice Raph go to scold me but stop himself before anything but a "Waa!" can escape him. My vision starts to blur, and I see another orange portal open. Mikey is looking at his hands, confused, and I can see that his markings are glowing although he doesn't look like he's trying to open a portal. Quickly, my view turns sideways as my family and I are being sucked towards the mystery portal. I yell to my brothers and scramble to grab onto the nearest object, desperately trying to hold onto the ground, but my attempt fails and we are pulled into the portal as my consciousness fades away. 

Seeing Double (TMNT)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora