Chapter 3: Panic

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:Shino's POV:
(4:35 am)
  I kick my dorm's door open because I'm holding Artemis's bloody unconscious body. I can feel his blood dripping on my hands, putting me in fear with every drop that flows from him.
  I set him on the couch, knowing it was a bad idea. The blood starts to seep through the fabric of the couch cushions, staining them. I run downstairs to the bathroom as fast as I can, not regarding how loud I'm being. I open the door to the bathroom, and I start to look for anything that could help me help Artemis.
  Rikku opens her door with a yawn, and she slowly walks over to the bathroom. Once she reaches to the door, she sees me in a panic and her eyes grow wide.
  "Shino?...what are you doing?" She asks with a concerned and confused tone.
  "RIKKU! I-! Um..hold on!" I grab the rest of the stuff I need and rush out of the bathroom and back up the stairs. Rikku follows behind, asking me questions concerningly. I don't respond, as I'm focused on getting Artemis's condition stable.
  As I move towards my injured boyfriend, Rikku runs around the corner, and sees the bloody scene right in front of her. Her eyes grow wide again, and her breath is practically taken away. Her heart starts to pound as her breathing gets heavy and faster. She looks like she's about to be in tears. She calls Shizu before she isn't able to speak anymore.
  "Sh-Shizu!...I- can you come over..I know it's very early but I-..."
  "Rikku! It's okay! Just breathe alright?...I'll be right there okay? Just hang on and stay on the phone before then okay?" Shizu says with a calming tone trying to calm Rikku down.
  Shizu's door isn't that far from ours, so they got here early. I hear a knock on the door and I turn my head to that direction fast. Panic starts to set in, and the overstimulation doesn't help either.
  'Please don't be the police, please don't be the police, please don't be the police...' I thought before Rikku opened the door to reveal Shizu. They walk in through the door and hug Rikku immediately. They both stay like that for a moment as I keep trying to help Artemis's wound from bleeding even more. I applied my scarf, paper towels and bandages to it. But the blood continues to seep through everything.
  Shizu and Rikku stop hugging, and Shizu finally sees what Rikku was freaking out over. Their eyes filled with worry, confusion and panic as they saw me practically giving up and putting my hands on my ears tightly trying to avoid crying and from overstimulation.
  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry.." I start to whisper silently over and over again as if it was my fault. It feels like my fault for not getting him in time, or even checking if I was being followed.
  "I'm going to call the teachers..." Shizu says with a monotone but worried tone as they walk outside with their phone, trying to find the teachers numbers.
  I can hear faint mumbling from Shizu talking on the phone, and I can hear muffled footsteps coming closer to me. I feel a slight touch on my shoulder, and I startle awake from my overwhelming feeling of fear. I see Rikku just looking at Artemis.
  "He looks....Bad...wh-what happened?.."
  I don't know how to respond to that. I just stare at her for a moment, then I slowly turn to see my boyfriend's body. His white and black hair, and then the blood on his chest.
  Footsteps can be heard from farther away. They're running. It's the teachers. I look at the door with fear, knowing I'd have to explain myself. I don't have an excuse this time, and I don't know how to defend the others. How do I explain L.O.V.E?
Word count: 666

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