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"What about Thea?" Liam asked, leaning against one of the support beams for the catwalk, taking advantage of the shade the cover provided.

"What about her?" Hayden seemed almost shocked by the fact he would bring her up, after all, it wasn't like they were friends.
Thea never made any effort with to be friends her, but he couldn't really blame her considering her actions with Theo.

"Scott, he told me to keep an eye on her," Liam sighed. "He thought she might be struggling with friends, that's all."

"I don't think we need to worry about that." Mason said, tilting his head as if to point.
The two turned only to see Thea hugging some random girl and boy.

"Who are they?" Liam asked, not sounding overly optimistic about Thea's new choice of friends.

"I've never seen them before," Mason shrugged. "But I guess it's good she does have friends."

"I don't know," Liam said, practically turning up his nose to the trio they were staring at, "I'm getting a weird feeling about them."

"Well," Hayden smiled, jumping between Liam and his sight of Thea, wrapping her arms over his shoulder in a flirty hug. "You can ask her later, right now I've got soccer practice and you promised you'd skip out on your study period to watch me."

He nodded, still not smiling but he had dropped the hostility to his expression.

»»————-  ☾★☽  ————-««

Thea had almost concluded her tour of the school when Marcus interrupted her.

"Isn't there a sporting team?" He asked, loading his books into his new locker,

"Yeah, sorry—I didn't think you'd want to play, but most of the boys play lacrosse, if you're interested."

"The boys are certainly peeking my interest." He mumbled under his breath in a joking manner but Cynthia just rolled her eyes at him, not finding him amusing.

"Well, we could check out the—"

"Sounds great." Marcus shrugged with a smirk, shutting his locker and raising himself from his knees to his feet in less than a second.
"After you."

Thea lead the twins out to the field but to Marcus' disappointment there were no shirtless boys were in sight, just girls.
Thea wasn't the most sporty type, she was physically able for the most part but she never understood the rules so she never bothered trying out for the girls soccer team.
Deep down she wished she could play, even though she didn't enjoy team sports, she  wanted to.
But Thea knew she'd just embarrass herself if she tried now.

Thea pointed out each of the things around them, from the equipment shed to the bleachers.
Cynthia pretended to be interested but Marcus was too busy eyeing out someone on the bleachers.

"What's his problem?" Marcus asked with a distasteful tone, leaning closer to Thea as he started back at the boy. "He was giving us dirty looks this morning too."

Thea turned to look behind her, only to see Liam Dunbar quickly averting his gaze from her to his girlfriend.

"That's Liam, he's probably just wondering who you are." Thea shrugged, starting to walk back to the school building intending for the twins to follow her. "Beacon Hills is a small town, it's not everyday someone new moves here."

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