Fatal kiss

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"What did you do to her?" Sebastian was shouting at Ominis anger radiating from him. Ominis eyes went wide "What? Nothing." he said in shock. Sebastian was still glaring. "I swear Ominis. If I find out you caused this..." he growled in a dangerous voice. Ominis just stared completely helpless.
"Sebastian be reasonable. What could he have done? It's the curse. There's noone to blame." I told him calmly. He had his fists balled at his side and it was like waves of anger were emanating from him. He looked downright scary as he said "Don't take his side again."
"I'm not Sebastian. There are no sides here, please." I was almost pleading with him.
Sebastian was pacing up and down "No, no, no. We leave them alone for a few minutes and he puts her in that state." He wasn't making any sense.
"Sebastian I would never..." Ominis stammered, but Sebastian interrupted him "You must have done something. Tell me everything that happened after we left."
Ominis still looked like he was in complete shock and tears were now forming in his eyes. "We danced and then she hugged me and then....and then..." Ominis voice cracked.
"And then what?" asked Sebastian through gritted teeth. Ominis looked at me helplessly but I was standing rooted to the spot.
Ominis took a small breath before continuing "Then she...kissed me." Sebastian had stopped pacing and Ominis plunged on "The next moment she fell trembling and I caught her and laid her on the bed before fetching you." Sebastian scoffed laughing a mirthless laugh "You kissed my sister." He spat the words at Ominis like venom. "There must be more to the story, Ominis. That alone wouldn't have put her in this state. TELL ME THE TRUTH." he yelled the last few words.
Ominis shook his head "Sebastian, I would never do anything to hurt Anne." he yelled back but with much less anger. He sounded sad and defeated. At that moment Sebastian made an angry sound and started storming at Ominis his fists balled. It was like I saw it happen in slow motion. I grabbed my wand and yelled "Protego!". An invisible shield expanded between me and Ominis on one side and Sebastian on the other. It knocked him back several paces, but he was glaring at me now. "Take a breath for a moment." I told him "You don't know what you're saying."
He punched the invisible barrier between us and I used it to push him into the corner next to the door. "Listen to me." I said "It isn't Ominis' fault."
"Yeah how do you know?" he half yelled half croaked tears now running down his face.
I looked directly into his eyes as I awnsered "Because I trust him. As should you. And because I know he has protected us time and again. He would never do anything to hurt anyone." and the next words I spoke pained me "That's what sets you apart."
Shock flitted across his face as though I had slapped him and a moment later he sagged to his knees sobbing into his hands. Feeling it was safe to do so I removed the shield charm. Tears were running down my cheeks, too. I quickly wiped them away and knelt down in front of Sebastian. Pulling his hands from his face I hugged him and he continued to sobb into my shoulder unabashedly. I stroked his hair and said "Now listen to me, please." and I continued without waiting for a reply "Anne's pain is often triggered by strong emotions. When she kissed Ominis the feeling must have overwhelmed her and triggered the curse."
He lifted his head from my shoulder and croaked "Yeah...that makes sense."
"I'm sorry." he added in a whisper.
When he had calmed down a bit I suggested to him to get some fresh air and run a few laps around the square to get it out of his system. He agreed but before he left he turned to Ominis. He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry Ominis." he said "I don't know what came over me. I...there's no excuse. I know you would never harm my sister." He held out his hand to Ominis "I truly am sorry."
Ominis hesitated for a moment and then shook Sebastian's hand wordlessly.

When Sebastian had vanished out the front door, I sat down at the table heaving an enormous sigh and resting my face in my hands.
"He gets so volatile." Ominis said sitting down next to me. "I know he doesn't back down from a fight, but this is different."
I lifted my head to look at him "The way he used the dark arts really messed him up." I said "And no, I'm not making excuses for what he's been like." I added as Ominis looked at me incredulous.
Eventually he nodded "I guess you're right. I was coerced into using the darks arts and he used them freely. He convinced himself they could help him with Anne's curse. Fight fire with fire, so to speak." he said.
With a pained look at the door I said "His uncle made the same mistake. He new what would happen to him."

As soon as Sebastian got back inside we extinguished the lights and went to bed. Laying in the dark I could hear Ominis voice "Please Sebastian, next time try to go running or something before you let your anger overtake you."
"I promise I will try....I'm working on it." Sebastian replied. "I know how much you care about Anne and if she had to kiss someone...I'm glad it was you." he added.
"Ok Sebastian, now you're really laying it on thick." came Ominis' annoyed voice. Sebastian chuckled "I swear I mean every word."
I couldn't help but smile to myself in the dark. This bond they shared was worth protecting at any cost.

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